A result of the Louisiana Purchase was that
it increased the land available for American settlement.
it made the United States three times larger.
it increased the land available for European settlement.
it put the Northwest Passage under US control.


Answer 1

It increased the land available for American settlement (it only doubled the US's size so it's not that; by this time European influence in America was decreasing and they weren't creating new settlements in North America).

Related Questions

Do you think you know social studies



Sure i guess


1. The East India Company got the right to collect revenue in Bengal after the ---------------- in -----------------


After the “battle of plassey” in “1765”

What did Frenchmen do for a living in America?


Seeking a route to the Pacific Ocean and for wealth .
seeking a route to the pacific ocean and to gain wealth

Which statement would a Supreme Court justice who believes strongly in
judicial activism most likely agree with?
A. The Supreme Court should use its power to interpret U.S. laws to
better protect citizens from injustice.
B. The Supreme Court should make rulings based on the exact text
of the Constitution.
C. The Supreme Court should work to protect the rights of all
Americans if Congress passes discriminatory laws.
D. The Supreme Court should issue only majority opinions and do
away with dissenting and concurring opinions.


Answer: A.
The Supreme Court should use its power to interpret U.S. laws to better protect citizens from injustice.

who made the i pod. please answer


Answer: Steve jobs and Tony Fadell. Made in 2001



Apple Inc. The iPod is a line of portable media players and multi-purpose mobile devices designed and marketed by Apple Inc. The first version was released on October 23, 2001, about 81⁄2 months after the Macintosh version of iTunes was released.


these are so funny they get better and better each time  

What is other name of Bhutan with reason​



Tashi lebey )A song to mark the conclusion of any important events.

(Tshechu )10th day of the lunar calendar corresponding to the birth of guru rinpoche.

(Tego )A short jacket with broad sleeves worn by woman with Kira.

(singchang) /Drink made from grains by adding yeast.

(Torey) white piece of cloth (usually square in shape used to warp food.


I know because I am from Bhutan. thank you for asking about bhutan.

my answer is from textbook

Georgia is located on one of the world's largest land masses, identified as North America. What is this land mass called?



A continent.


North America is one of the world's 7 large and continuous landmasses that are known as continents.  

In a paragraph, explain why President James Madison authorized the Second Bank of the United States. What problem was he trying to solve? What problems did this bill create?



The Second Bank of the United States was chartered for many of the same reasons as its predecessor, the First Bank of the United States. The War of 1812 had left a formidable debt. Inflation surged ever upward due to the ever-increasing amount of notes issued by private banks. Specie was jealously hoarded. For these reasons President Madison signed a bill authorizing the 2nd Bank in 1816 with a charter lasting 20 years.The Second Bank of the U.S. was chartered in 1816 with the same responsibilities and powers as the First Bank. However, the Second Bank would not even enjoy the limited success of the First Bank. Although foreign ownership was not a problem (foreigners owned about 20% of the Bank's stock), the Second Bank was plagued with poor management and outright fraud (Galbraith). The Bank was supposed to maintain a "currency principle" -- to keep its specie/deposit ratio stable at about 20 percent. Instead the ratio bounced around between 12% and 65 percent. It also quickly alienated state banks by returning to the sudden banknote redemption practices of the First Bank. Various elements were so enraged with the Second Bank that there were two attempts to have it struck down as unconstitutional.

Write a paragraph to compare and contrast the role of the legislative branch and the judicial branch of government. Be sure to discuss how they are in some way alike as well as how the differ.


Hey there! I'm happy to help!

The legislative branch is the principal law making body of the United States. A local version of this branch is like a city council. The judicial branch is the principal court of the United States, so a local version of that would be something like a city or county court. They are both part of two different systems. The legislative branch will be making regulations and laws while the judicial branch will be seeing if laws are constitutional and if what someone is doing is justified under the law. These are very different things, but they are tied together by the Constitution of the United States. The legislative branch creates laws that are constitutional to the best of their ability and the judicial branch interprets these laws and applies them to current cases.

Have a wonderful day! Keep on learning :D

which two countries claimed the largest amount of territory



in what, In North America, France and Great Britain had the most territory


explain your question more please

what piece if data clearly indicated thag there was no longer a western frontier?​


Answer:In 1890, the Census Bureau announced the end of the frontier, meaning there was no longer a discernible frontier line in the west, nor any large tracts of land yet unbroken by settlement. This news had a terrific psychological impact on many Americans. For the first time in history, America was without a frontier.


What are the difference between Coastal Plains (Texas) and North Central Plains (Texas)? Also what are the similarities? (Please help me!)



The north central plains are higher, more rolling, rocky and more arid than the coastal plains. They both have basins, low rainfall, and desert.


the North Central Plains region is higher and hillier than the Coastal Plains. You can see the difference right away when you cross the Balcones Escarpment. The Great Plains is largely an elevated plateau. It is even flatter than the Coastal Plains, but it contains deep canyons in some areas.

Use the drop-down menu to complete the sentence.

In 1831, Muslims made up 66 percent of the Ottoman population.

Today, Turkey
than the Ottoman Empire in 1831.



The Ottoman Empire (/ˈɒtəmən/; Ottoman Turkish: دولت عليه عثمانيه‎ Devlet-i ʿAlīye-i ʿOsmānīye, lit. 'The Sublime Ottoman State'; Turkish: Osmanlı İmparatorluğu or Osmanlı Devleti; French: Empire ottoman)[note 5][17] was a state[note 6] that controlled much of Southeastern Europe, Western Asia, and Northern Africa between the 14th and early 20th centuries. It was founded at the end of the 13th century in northwestern Anatolia in the town of Söğüt (modern-day Bilecik Province) by the Turkoman[18][19] tribal leader Osman I.[20] After 1354, the Ottomans crossed into Europe and with the conquest of the Balkans, the Ottoman beylik was transformed into a transcontinental empire. The Ottomans ended the Byzantine Empire with the conquest of Constantinople in 1453 by Mehmed the Conqueror.[21]

Today, Turkey is less religiously diverse than the Ottoman Empire in 1831. Thus, option A is correct.

What is Ottoman Empire?

Ottoman Empire is now known as Turkey.  With the elimination of the Ottoman Sultan, the Ottoman Empire was ended in 1922, and Turkey was formed and announced as a republic in October 1923.

Turkey has been governed by Islamic rulers for a long time i.e, around two decades as the party members are fully Islamic and do not follow or consider any other religion.

The percentage of diverse religious people that live in Turkey is real low. the Muslims made up 66 percent of the Ottoman population, and now Turkey is also having a less diverse religion. Therefore, option A is the correct option.

Learn more about Ottoman Empire, here:



The question is incomplete, the correct question is

In 1831, Muslims made up 66 percent of the Ottoman population.

Today, Turkey _  than the Ottoman Empire in 1831.

a.is less religiously diverse

b. is more religiously diverse

c.has the same religious diversity

Do! Look!

Study the images below: describe how each image represents environmental change.



It represents industrialisation .In past the area was not suffocated with houses.But now it is full of industries.


It represents soil corossion . The soil has turned red due to chemicals


It represents deforestation .After mining the forests or green are is decreased alot.


It represents that how water resources are decreasing day by day .

What type of kingdom was thought to be established by the Taiping rebellion ? Answer in long​



The use of the ordeal in medieval England was very sensitive to status and reputation in the community. ... Prior to then, compurgation was the most usual method of proof, and the ordeal was used in cases where there was some presumption of guilt against the accused or when the accused was bound to fail in compurgation.

What is a "world view" and why is it important to studying history?



I don't know how to ans this question

How did the Airline Deregulation Act of 1978 affect the travel and tourism industry?

It added extra laws about how airplanes were built, which made air travel more expensive.
It caused airlines to have more competitive fares, which made travel more affordable for customers.
It eliminated laws about flying to other countries, which increased international travel.
It forced airlines to offer in-flight food and beverage, which made travel more comfortable.



It caused airlines to have more competitive fares, which made travel more affordable for customers.

The Airline Deregulation Act of 1978 affected the travel and tourism industry as it caused airlines to have more competitive fares, which made travel more affordable for customers.

What is the Airline Deregulation Act of 1978?

The Airline Deregulation Act of 1978 of United States of America deregulated the airline industry as it prohibits states from regulating the price, route, or service of an air carrier for the purposes of keeping United States commercial air travel competitive.

For certain industries, this policy created a more competitive atmosphere, and a lot of people in the United States of America are able to obtain their products at a cheaper price since the company tends to decrease its expenses.

Therefore, the Airline Deregulation Act of 1978 affected the travel and tourism industry as it caused airlines to have more competitive fares, which made travel more affordable for customers.

Learn more about The Airline Deregulation Act of 1978 here:



¿En qué año se conformaron los reinos germanos? Necesito un año en concreto, no la respuesta de "en x siglo/a finales de x siglo" por favor.



Los reinos germánicos

Fueron reinos germánicos desde el siglo V hasta finales del VIII


>:3 espero y te sirva

help and I will mark brainly and 10+ points



question is nt clear pliz take a clear snapshort

Question 2 of 5
The Industrial Revolution was a time of great change for
Great Britain, and although many benefited from
Industrialization, children in cities frequently suffered. The
large numbers of new factories and the many technical
Innovations ensured that children would be a necessary
part of the new workforce. But the work was often hard
and dangerous, and children were pald poorly and forced
to work long hours
According to Darcy Koenig's book The Lives of Children
During the Industrial Revolution, many child workers died
or were so seriously injured in childhood that they were
unable to work as adults. And even children who didn't
work in factories suffered because they were often forced
to beg on the streets to make up for the low pay their
parents earned in factories. The Industrial Revolution was
a particularly bad time for children
Which sentence best evaluates the credibility of this historical argument?
O A. The historical argument is credible because it includes a strong
claim and evidence from a credible source
B. The historical
sim about children is not credible because it does not make a
during the Industrial Revolution
O C. The historical argument is not credible because it does not
support the claim with evidence from a credible source
D. The historical argument is credible because it makes the correct
claim that children suffered during the Industrial Revolution





credibility and evidence is key to finding out whether or not a claim is true

Answer:New questions in History

The election of 1876: Question 23 options: 1) was won by Rutherford B. Hayes by a landslide. 2) was finally decided by the Supreme Court. 3) marked th…

Based on the excerpts written by Columbus during his first voyage, Columbus describes the native people as unintelligent. Which of the following quot…

Robespierre dies & the Reign of Terror ends. What government takes over?​

What's a experience that helped you understand someone else's perspective?

U.S. HISTORY help please :)

who invented the wind meal.

In what ways did European immigrants transfer familiar patterns and institutions to their colonies in the Americas, and in what ways did they create n…

Revolution Write an editorial supporting or rejecting the idea that was to gain democracy in a country that doesn't have a democratic government is to…

definicion referente a la organizacion social de la epoca prehispaña.

During which decade did transcontinentral rail service begin in the United States?




So I’m supposed to make an island and I’m making a football island. What name should it be. Keep in mind I’m a patriots buccaneers fan if that helps…



Chippewas island


It should be Patriot Buccaneers. If that helps.

Why was control of New York City Britain's First military objective
in the emerging war?



Lord North wanted to demonstrate Britain's superiority and he wanted to isolate the radical Patriots in New England from the southern colonies. Explanation:

How did lineage groups affect hierarchical structures within African societies?



Kinship groups formed the government of many African societies. In kinship groups, decisions were often made by a council of the eldest members. Members of a kinship group felt strong loyalty to each other. It led to a diverse West African economy

What is critical to Britain?


Answer:As a sociologist of race working in Britain, they feel stranded between two communities either side feeling like war is about 2 start




New questions in History

The election of 1876: Question 23 options: 1) was won by Rutherford B. Hayes by a landslide. 2) was finally decided by the Supreme Court. 3) marked th…

Based on the excerpts written by Columbus during his first voyage, Columbus describes the native people as unintelligent. Which of the following quot…

Robespierre dies & the Reign of Terror ends. What government takes over?​

What's a experience that helped you understand someone else's perspective?

U.S. HISTORY help please :)

who invented the wind meal.

In what ways did European immigrants transfer familiar patterns and institutions to their colonies in the Americas, and in what ways did they create n…

Revolution Write an editorial supporting or rejecting the idea that was to gain democracy in a country that doesn't have a democratic government is to…

definicion referente a la organizacion social de la epoca prehispaña.

During which decade did transcontinentral rail service begin in the United States?




diferentes tipos de economía en el período de colonización en América.


Hola no speak Spanish but it would be George bush It would be 57 hours and 10 minutes with 250 marbles George W bush too and a bar Mae

how are the monotheistic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) different?



Jews believe in individual and collective participation in an eternal dialogue with God through tradition, rituals, prayers and ethical actions. Christianity generally believes in a Triune God, one person of whom became human. Judaism emphasizes the Oneness of God and rejects the Christian concept of God in human form.


What does The 14th amendment tell you about the past?




Ratified in 1868, the 14th Amendment granted citizenship to "all persons born or naturalized in the United States." This guide provides access to digital collections, websites, and print materials related to the amendment.


Don't know if this helps you but here you go :)

The Marine Corps has made significant contributions to the nation’s defense since its establishment. Create a timeline showing five significant events in the Marine Corps since World War II.



Here are some events that may help.


1. In 1949, African American and other races were allowed and trained into the Marine Corps. *1949

2. The Marine Corps landed on the shores of South Korea in Inchon Port to help defend against the communists. *1950

3. Eisenhower was the first president to be transported by a Marine Corps Helicopter. *1957

4. Marine Corps helped in the invasion of Vietnam. *1965

5. The Marine Corps participated in one of the most grueling operations in the Vietnam war in which they took the city of Hue from Vietcong forces in 33 days. *1968

6. The Marine Corps defended an embassy in Nicosia, Cyprus after the U.S. Ambassador was killed by sniper fire. *1974

7. American forces inside a Pakistan Embassy underwent an attack by Islamabad forces. 7 Marines helped defend the Embassy. *1979

8. Three Marines are killed while trying to rescue Teheran Hostages *1980

9. Marines rescue the U.S. Ambassador in El Salvador after political unrest emerges there. *1980

10. Marines were part of a force that tried to capture Panama's dictator, Manuel Noriega. *1989

11. Marines assisted natural disaster victims in Bangladesh. *1997

12. Invasion of Iraq is started and led by the Marine Corps. *2003

13. Marine Corps helped fighting in Baghdad and won. *2003.

Hope this helps. :)

In what way was freedom a central idea in the Declaration of Independence?



That all people have unalienable rights that are these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.


In the Preamble to the Constitution of the US, we find the government's promise to
provide the purposes of government to the people.
True or





(I'm not so sure but I hope right ^^ )

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