______________________ created a comprehensive standard to help any organization create an information security governance program.

a. The Federal Trade Commission
b. The Government Accountability Office (GOA)
c. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
d. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)


Answer 1

c the internation Organization for standardization (iso) and the international electrotechnical commission (irc)

Answer 2

The Federal Trade Commission created a comprehensive standard to help any organization create an information security governance program. Thus, option A is correct.

What is International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) ?

International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) which was first formed in 1906 is the predominant organization for developing and publishing international standards for technologies related to electrical and electronic devices and processes.

The standards developed by this association are widely used in scientific fields such as power generation, semiconductors, fibre optics, batteries, solar energy, nanotechnology and marine energy. They also proposed the International System of Units( SI unit) used in many fields of study today.

Therefore, The Federal Trade Commission created a comprehensive standard to help any organization create an information security governance program. Thus, option A is correct.

Learn more about Federal Trade Commission on:



Related Questions

When to not touch the mask? ​



If your mask touches another part of your body that is potentially contaminated with the virus—hair, forehead, hands—and the mask is put over your mouth and nose, you are at risk for infection.

Always be sure to wash your hands before putting your mask on, and once it is in place and you are out in public, don’t keep touching or adjusting it. When you’re not wearing it, don’t leave it around your neck in case there was any type of contamination.

Who made computer ? Which year?



The first computer that resembled the modern machines we see today was invented by Charles Babbage between 1833 and 1871.


Charles Babbage in 1991

Draw a system flowchart illustrating the steps performed by an operating system as it executes the instruction to back up a disk on a single-user computer system.


The flowchart's pseudo code is as follows:

The command BACKUP user issues through the user interface.UI executes the awakening File Manager instruction.File Manager resolves the address of a backup file that wakes up Device Manager.Device Manager opens the drive access path to back files in the Memory Manager I/O buffer that reads the file (or part of the data).In the I/O buffer, Memory Manager assigns memory to the processor manager.Processor Manager loads the I/O buffer memory file, and File Manager awakens.File Manager determines the document address be copied into the Processor Managers new disc.The Device Managers, Processor Manager copies memory to the I/O buffer.This device manager enables you to open a drive access path where a new disc awakens file manager will be duplicated by the I/O buffer.File Manager decides whether the file is copied completely If yes if you are jumping to point 11, you decide the next area of the file that will be backed up and Device Manager is returning to point 4.File Manager decides if this is the last backup item, if not, it wakes up Manager of Processor Activates Processor Manager for sending interface File N is backed up for a client can jump back to point 3 if affirmative. The Processor Manager activates the user interface to send the user message 'All files have been backed up'.

Learn more:



George has to present the goals of information management to his team member. What is a goal of information management? The goal of information management is to identify information requirements for various levels.



The purpose of information management is to: design, develop, manage, and use information with insight and innovation. support decision making and create value for individuals, organizations, communities, and societies.


Benedetta was cyber bullied by her classmates about her looks. WHAT computer ethics was violated?



Digital Rights Foundation’s Cyber Harassment Helpline is Pakistan’s first dedicated, toll-free Helpline for victims of online harassment and violence.  The Helpline will provide a free, safe and confidential service. The Helpline aims to provide legal advice, digital security support, psychological counselling and a referral system to victims of online harassment. The Helpline will provide a judgment-free, private and gender-sensitive environment for all its callers.


If someone has the IP address and tries to connect to the address, which are they attempting to connect to: ________

a. The local loopback interface
b. The local router on the network
c. The internet
d. A private server located on the local network


B is the answer i think

Click on three software applications that you can use to create a resume?


The three software applications that are applied for creating the resume are the word, writer, and the pages.

The information related to the resume is as follows:

It is a formal document made by the applicant for applying to the job. It should be along with the cover letter where the applicant shows interest in the particular job. Also, three types of software applications should be used for developing the resume i.e. word, writer, and the pages.

Therefore we can conclude that the three software applications that are applied for creating the resume are the word, writer, and the pages.

Learn more about the resume here: brainly.com/question/22931067

UDP stands for

user-defined protocol

user-defined packets

user data packets

user datagram protoco



user datagram protocol

Explanation:      User datagram protocol (UDP) operates on top of the Internet Protocol (IP) to transmit datagrams over a network.

Which requires large computer memory?



Imaging , Graphics and voice..... requires large computer memory.


what are the functions of super computer?



Supercomputers play an important role in the field of computational science, and are used for a wide range of computationally intensive tasks in various fields, including quantum mechanics, weather forecasting, climate research, oil and gas exploration, molecular modeling .


Hope it helps you


Supercomputers play an important role in the field of computational science, and are used for a wide range of computationally intensive tasks in various fields, including quantum mechanics, weather forecasting, climate research, oil and gas exploration, molecular modelling, etc.

Which of the following tasks should be accomplished while preparing to write the body of an email?

Take a picture with of text messages with a camera and file it away

Back-up text messages from your phone to an email account

Send a copy of the text message to another phone

Write a copy of all the text messages you would like to save



Write a copy of all the text messages you would like to save

The task that should be accomplished while preparing to write the body of an email is:

D. Write a copy of all the text messages you would like to save.

Activities involved while preparing to write body of an email

Preparing to write the body of an email involves organizing and gathering the necessary information to include in the email.

In this context, writing a copy of all the text messages that you would like to save is the most relevant task to accomplish before composing the email. This task ensures that you have the content you want to reference or include in the email readily available and helps you structure the email effectively.

The other tasks listed are not directly related to the email writing process and can be done separately at other times for different purposes.

Learn more about writing email at



Explain all the generation of a computer,​



Generation in computer terminology is a change in technology a computer is/was being used. Initially, the generation term was used to distinguish between varying hardware technologies. Nowadays, generation includes both hardware and software, which together make up an entire computer system.


hope its help

thank you

_________ are the special effects that you see when one slide changes to another in slide show view​



Transition effects


Transition effects are the special effects you see when one slide changes to another in slide show view.

Which of the following is the most general description of what computers do?
A) They record information
B) They solve problems
C) They do math
D) They convert data





u convert it to help understand :)

The most general description of what computers do is solving problems. Hence option B is true.

Ask about the most general description of what computers do.

Now we know that;

While computers indeed record information, perform mathematical calculations, and convert data, their primary purpose is to solve a wide range of problems by processing and manipulating data.

Computers are versatile machines that can handle various tasks, from complex computations to data analysis, communication, entertainment, and much more.

So, option B) "They solve problems" would be the most fitting choice.

To learn more about computers visit:



Write a research about the 5 major of computer applications



At the Indian National Congress Karachi session in 1931, Congress passed resolution dissociating itself and disapproving the policy of political violence in any form. The resolution was drafted by Mahatma Gandhi which admired the bravery and sacrifice of the 3 Martyrs- Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev, and Rajguru.


how to enter date in a Date/Time field?​



Right-click the document tab for the new table and click Design View. In the Field Name column, select the first blank row, and then type a name for the field. Select the adjacent cell in the Data Type column, and then select Date/Time or Date/Time Extended from the list. Save your changes.


give 5 examples for software ​



Adobe Photoshop.


VLC Media Player.

Windows Media Player.

Windows Movie Maker

What is the value of total returned by the call secret(3) ? int secret int num) { int total= 10; switch(num) { case 1: case 2: total=5. break case 3. total= 10: case 4: total=total+3: case 8: total=total+6. break default: total=total+ 4. break} return total; }​





Without break; statements, the switch "falls through" to the next case. So the code is directed to case 3, which sets total to 10. Then another 3 gets added and another 6, because cases 4 and 8 are also executed. That brings the total to 19.

So, always use a compile rule or code checker that checks your code for missing breaks, because it is hardly ever what you want on purpose.

When it comes to different ways of storing data on the device in a cross-platform manner, what is convenient about both native iOS and Android platforms?

a. they both provide secure file i/o
b. they both provide key-value, file i/o and sqlite data storage
c. the both provide the exact same system calls, since both platforms rely on ARM processors
d. they both provide the exact same APIs, regardless of language used


A - both provide secure file i/o

help me to solve this​




Mouse-points and selects gui objects

Printer-it produces hard copy output

Alu- performs mathematical calculations

Rom-the instructions stored in it cannot be changed by the user

pendrive- can be considered as a small external hard disk

P.S. please follow me and also mark me as the brainliest ;)


the answer is :






Original IPv6 Address



explain the working system of a computer with an example ​



A computer system works by combining input, storage space, processing, and output. For example, when we type something using a keyboard, it is known as an Input provided to the Computer. Storage Space: It is the place where our input gets stored. It is known as Computer Memory that keeps the data into it.

Hoped it helps you.


A computer system works by combining input, storage space, processing, and output. For example, when we type something using a keyboard, it is known as an Input provided to the Computer. Storage Space: It is the place where our input gets stored. It is known as Computer Memory that keeps the data into it.


A computer system works by combining input, storage space, processing, and output. For example, when we type something using a keyboard, it is known as an Input provided to the Computer. Storage Space: It is the place where our input gets stored. It is known as Computer Memory that keeps the data into it.

Need help coding this it uses input and I need to use the words good and morning



x = input ("Enter a word: ")

y = input ("Enter a word: ")

print ( x, " ", y)


This is the simplest way to write it using Python.

what is web browser give answerwh
at is web browser



A software application used to access information on the World Wide Web is called a Web Browser.


When a user requests some information, the web browser fetches the data from a web server and then displays the webpage on the user's screen.

What is the most helpful way to adopt the practice of design thinking, regardless of which framework is your favorite?



Defining, framing and solving problems from users' perspectives


Stretching, walking, and meditation because stretching allows everything to be loosened or not as firm walking is part of everyday life and meditation is sitting in a calm comfortable position typically with calm music as well to clear your mind.

Why these are considered as very complex?

These are all very complex because they require strength in your body and some people can't do these. Some have bad kneens so lunges can seriously hurt them others have weak arms so they can't push or hold their body wait for long periods of time and squats are difficult to do in the correct position because we can't typically do that without an actual chair

My most favorite are jumping jacks and meditation. Jumping jacks because it gets your adrenaline pumping and meditation because you can only hold so much in your mind before you get tired out. My least favorite are squats and planks. Squats are very difficult to do because you are litteraly sitting down with your back straight and the same dip of a chair but without it actually there do it's very complex.

Therefore, Stretching, walking, and meditation because stretching allows everything to be loosened or not as firm walking is part of everyday life and meditation

Learn more about Stretching on:



how can information technology transform the way business processes in an organization



1. Through cooperation.

2. Understanding the market and the organization.


Information Technology can transform the way business processes in an organization only if there is cooperation in the company. The cooperation is that everyone is to agree on the change that it is going to cause.

An information Technologist can change the way business process if he or her understand the maker of the company and the company.

The major point is this:

1. The company must cooperate.

2. Everybody must accept change for it to grow higher.

3. Understand the market of the company and

4. understand the company and how they operate and then change and replace the parts that need replacement.

4. What is an Abacus?​



an abacus is a simple device for calculating, consisting of a frame with rows of wires or grooves along which beads are slid.

what do these two parts of the lift do?​



The Big Bang Theory is our best guess about how the universe began. A 2013 map of the background radiation left over from the Big Bang, taken by the ESA's Planck spacecraft, captured the oldest light in the universe. This information helps astronomers determine the age of the universe. ... The "Big Bang Theory" TV show.

what's the function of a cyclebin​



In Windows, the Recycle Bin is a folder or directory where deleted items are temporarily stored. Deleted files are not permanently removed from the hard drive but are sent instead to the Recycle Bin, unless they are too large.

True or False

1. Files are the container to store folders =

2. You can change name of file by using delete option

3.Recycle bin allows us to delete the flies permanently.

4. MSDOS is GUI based operating system



1. False

2. False

3. True

4. False


1. Folders are the containers to store files

2. The delete option deletes the file

3. Files are moved to recycle bin after being deleted, and can be permanently deleted from recycle bin

4. "MS-DOS was the main operating system for IBM PC compatible personal computers during the 1980s, from which point it was gradually superseded by operating systems offering a graphical user interface (GUI), in various generations of the graphical Microsoft Windows operating system."

source for #4: Wikipedia

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