Employees are working within an excavation that is more than 4 foot deep and cannot safely exit the site. What is a hazard that needs to be addressed in this situation?
Select the best option.


Oxygen Deficiency and Toxic Fumes

Water Accumulation


Answer 1
The answer is Access/egress because the victim can get oxygen from the top and water from the other workers.
Answer 2

A hazard that needs to be addressed in the given situation is Access/Egress. Option A is correct.

What is the significance of Access and Egress?

When handling a security or emergency scenario, access and egress points are crucial. It is crucial to have rapid access to and exit from the building in case of an emergency.

Planning entrance and egress locations should be done while creating evacuation routes. A safe escape that people can use in an emergency is called emergency egress. In an emergency circumstance like a fire, emergency access and escape are crucial.

In the given case, Employees are working within an excavation that is more than 4 foot deep and cannot safely exit the site, this is clearly deined that the Access/Egress is a hazard that must be dealt.

Therefore, option A is correct.

Learn more about the hazard, refer to:



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