what are the measures to solve conflict​


Answer 1


1.talk politely 2. BE Patience3. Never TALK UNNECESSARY THINGS

Answer 2

talk with other person.

focus on the behaviour and events not on personalities.

listen sarefully to others.

identify points of agreement and disagreement.

prioritize the areas of conflict.

build on your sucess.

follow through on your plan.


hope it will help

follow me for more.

Related Questions

Who had the greatest impact on psychology


There are two people that I can think of, Signing Freud and Wilhelm Wundt. I believe Freud is the greatest of all time though.

The _____ is a lethal, agile, and flexible force, capable of executing a myriad of complex, joint special operations missions in support of U.S. policy and objectives.


Answer: 75th Ranger Regiment


the condition of road in Nepal has resulted to a number of casualties in road accident justify it with an example​


Negligence of driver/rider. File: Traffic police interrogating a scooter rider. ...
Negligence of pedestrians. ...
Lack of road infrastructures. ...
Mechanical defects. ...
Lack of implementation of traffic rules.

make a list of any four slogans to raise awareness against corruption.​



some slogans could include:

corruption is a silent killercorruption hurts all of uschampions don't cheattime to unite against corruption

I hope this helps

what is conflict prevention​


It is a cause of change reaction
Answer: A conflict prevention is the cause of a chain reaction.

mention any two socio cultural features of Lumbini province​



it has the birth place of the lord Buddha

it includes the many religions among people help in religion tolerance

how is a school or reflection of a society?

please help me to find it !​




I can't do the search for you. Links are not allowed. But I can give you a hint.

Try looking up function of a school.

Ask why society is willing to spend money on education?Are objectives in the same for every school?How are schools in your area monitored? How do taxpayers know their money is being well spent?Is Brainly able to answer any of these questions?

• Briefly explain, at least, THREE social issues that could lead to environmental Injustice. ​


Answer: Examples of Environmental injustices includes: environmental pollution, food shortage, insufficient transportation and income inequality.


what should be done to protect our rituals of our community​



hope this helps


The things that should be done to preserve rituals of the community is by knowing the importance of it and respecting our culture and tradition.


The things that we should to do protect our rituals of community are:-

1. At first we have to know the values of them in our life.

2. After knowing the values we should not do any kinds of activities that affect them.

3. We should give awareness program to the local people about it.

4. We should show our respect to them.

Maps are one of geography's most important tools. Maps can shape people's perceptions of a place and help people think spatially about the world. Study the map above.

A:Describe ONE example of each of the following spatial concepts in the map above:
B:Define map scale.
C:Identify the scale used on the map above.
D:Explain the difference between large-scale and small-scale maps.
E:Explain ONE way in which scale affects the interpretation of geographic information.


Hey there! I'm happy to help!


Location: We can think of Egypt's location in relation to other countries or features. For example, it is located South of the Mediterranean Sea, East of Libya, North of Sudan, etc.

Place: What things on the map might help us to know that this place is Egypt. Well, we see that there is the Nile River, the longest in the world. This a defining characteristic of Egypt's cultural landscape and sense of place, and we see the Nile River on this map of Egypt.

Pattern: One spatial pattern I see on this map is the location of cities. They are concentrated near the Nile River. This is because rivers are essential to a successful society as people need water to grow crops, drink, etc.


Map scale is the ratio between the distance on the map and the distance in real life. It helps us to see how big Egypt actually is. The length of the bar in the bottom left corner is 200 miles long. This gives us a sense of how big Egypt really is.


The scale used on this map is a national scale. This is because it shows a single country with more detail. This will give us the most accurate information about Egypt as a whole over a map of Africa, for example.


A large-scale map is zoomed in and shows more details such as a local or city map. A small-scale map is zoomed out and shows less detail, but rather a bigger picture. An example of a small-scale map is a national, regional, or global map.


A scale can lead to generalizations which might be inaccurate. For example, a world map showing religions in each country would have Egypt filled in a color that represents Islam on the legend. However, this does not take into account those of other religions or concentrations of different religions in different parts of geographic information. The entire country of Egypt is not Muslim. If the geographic information wanted is more specific or accurate, a larger scale map would be used.

Have a wonderful day and keep on learning! :D



Location: We can think of Egypt's location in relation to other countries or features. For example, it is located South of the Mediterranean Sea, East of Libya, North of Sudan, etc.

Place: What things on the map might help us to know that this place is Egypt. Well, we see that there is the Nile River, the longest in the world. This a defining characteristic of Egypt's cultural landscape and sense of place, and we see the Nile River on this map of Egypt.

Pattern: One spatial pattern I see on this map is the location of cities. They are concentrated near the Nile River. This is because rivers are essential to a successful society as people need water to grow crops, drink, etc.


Map scale is the ratio between the distance on the map and the distance in real life. It helps us to see how big Egypt actually is. The length of the bar in the bottom left corner is 200 miles long. This gives us a sense of how big Egypt really is.


The scale used on this map is a national scale. This is because it shows a single country with more detail. This will give us the most accurate information about Egypt as a whole over a map of Africa, for example.


A large-scale map is zoomed in and shows more details such as a local or city map. A small-scale map is zoomed out and shows less detail, but rather a bigger picture. An example of a small-scale map is a national, regional, or global map.


A scale can lead to generalizations which might be inaccurate. For example, a world map showing religions in each country would have Egypt filled in a color that represents Islam on the legend. However, this does not take into account those of other religions or concentrations of different religions in different parts of geographic information. The entire country of Egypt is not Muslim. If the geographic information wanted is more specific or accurate, a larger scale map would be used.


Is it true or false that Cells combine to form organ systems, organ systems combine to form tissue, and tissues combine to form organs.



Molecules and compounds combine to form cells, cells combine to form tissues, tissues combine to form organs, organs work with each other to perform functions of a system in the body, and the systems of the body work together to perform the bodily functions of a living organism


I hope this helps.




Alma has recurrent terrifying episodes that last twenty minutes. Her heart beats so fast that she thinks she is having a heart attack, she sweats profusely, and she feels a sense of doom. For more than a month she has feared having another episode. An appropriate diagnosis is ____.



Your answer Would be (panic disorder)


Hope this helps

characteristics of urban area and rural areas​



Characteristics Rural Community

Rural community is an area which is under development and not civilized, based on geographical conditions.

Characteristics Urban Community

Urban community is an area which is developed and civilized, based on geographical conditions.


urban areas :



Mobility and transiency

Formality of relations

Social distance


rural areas:

A small population size.

A generally low population density.

A smaller choice when it comes to shopping, medical services, and so on.

A lower cost of living.

Lower wages and more poverty.


hope it may help you

why is it important to stay positive in difficult times? ​


helps manage your stresses and can improve your health


That is the most important time to stay positive.


Anyone can be positive during good times. It takes a truly courageous person to be positive when things are difficult.

How did the Louisiana Purchase affect the people living in the territory?

A) Settlers decided to give money to the natives.

B) French settlers were forced to move.

C) Native tribes were displaced.

D) Poor farmers became rich.



B) French settlers were force to move


B is correct :) have a great day

According to Alexander Hamilton in Federalist No. 28, how would the Founders' vision for a federal republic work?

a. States would take turns in leadership roles at the national level.
b. States could form coalitions to influence national government.
c. The national government would make laws and the state governments would implement those laws.
d. People could shift their support between national and state governments as needed to maintain a balance of power.



i think the national government would make laws and the state governments would implement those laws.

What are the benefits of following social rules? ​



Some of the place crime are being stoped or less because of social rules.Social rules can also create social awareness around us.Because of Aadhar card we can find a person is not territories.Social rules can also helps us in many ways like Going through the way of traffic rules can decrease the traffic.

Help please :) I don’t really get it





Not sure about the last one. I would hazard a guess at T

Why do people participate in local or national political issues?



There are many factors that affect political participation. Education, gender, age and family are some of them. The family may not directly convey the political attitudes, values, norms and beliefs to the child. However, what children learn from their families may have political consequences.


Which Chinese ethical system or philosophy emphasizes order, education, and fulfilling one's
relationships in society and the family?
O Confucianism
O Taoism
O Hinduism
O Buddhism





How is HDI different from GDI?​



I don't know what this is

What roles does the society have to solve the problems?



please mark me brainliest


An individual can important role in solving the problems of an entire society. Providing teachers with effective classroom management training can be beneficial. Because research suggests that knowledge in a classroom can provide the students with behavioral, emotional and learning problem-solving education.


Rush things without thinking them through properly (the impulsive/careless approach), or. Avoid them through procrastination, ignoring the problem, or trying to persuade someone else to solve the problem (the avoidance mode).

what activities should you do to make our nation prosperous​



The main factors of a prosperous country seem to be:

Economy based on innovation.Efficient tax collection.Efficient government.Socially progressive environment.Competitive business environment.

Anyone know how to do this





What does BLM mean to you ?




Black Lives Matter

What is one Similarity and Difference about The northeast and the west and how the environment impacted their way of life?



Northeast- Higher temperatures in the Northeast are likely to increase heat-related deaths and decrease air quality, especially in urban areas. People at greatest risk include young children, the elderly, and those with pre-existing health conditions like asthma.

Northwest- Most of the Pacific Northwest has a cool, wet climate, which has led to the growth of thick forests. Believe it or not, there are coastal, or temperate, rainforests in the Pacific Northwest, while the inland areas are more dry and warm. The rainforests in this area are some of the rainiest places in the world.


Food & Family- Families were valued no matter the tribe and everyone worked together to provide the basics of daily life: food, clothing, shelter. Relatives often lived together—even extended families with uncles, aunts and grandparents—to help raise the children and teach the tribal ways, mostly by watching and helping. Boys went through ceremonies to prepare for adult roles and girls were tested on the ways of a woman’s workday. During the day they would hunt, barter, fish, play, gather and create wares, make clothes, baskets and weapons, go to sleep and do it all again the next day.

Hope it helps you... pls mark brainliest if it helps you

Highlight the importance of public participation in the development of infastructure.​



Many governments world-wide are increasingly encouraging the involvement of interested individuals, groups and organisations in their public infrastructure and construction (PIC) projects as a means of improving the openness, transparency and accountability of the decision-making process and help improve the projects'


they show that that they care about the development of the region in which they live in


1.3 Discuss THREE consequences of the social problem on the individual​





social health

discuss three consequences poverty has on the community​



Nearly all the potential effects of poverty impact the lives of children—poor infrastructure, unemployment, malnutrition, domestic violence, child labor, and disease.


1. Crippling Accident

2. Poor Housing

3. Water and food related disease


1. Crippling accidents as a result of unsafe work environments—consider the recent building collapse in Bangladesh.

2. Poor housing—a long-lasting cause of diseases.

3. Water and food related diseases that occur simply because the poor cannot afford “safe” foods.

Can you guys help me with this. All you need to do is click the link. You do not need to by anything.


Kinda weird man

Ya know?




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