Which of the following shows the correct order of events in the conflict over the Ohio Territory?


Answer 1


Among the choices the one that shows the correct order of events in the conflict over the Ohio Territory is letter D, Tecumseh formed an American Indian confederation. Tecumseh tried to rally support during the War of 1812.


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Related Questions

All of the following were concerns about the Articles of Confederation that led to the calling of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 EXCEPT

A. Dissatisfaction over safeguards of individual rights and liberties

B. Fear for the stability of the central government

C. Desire to promote trade among the states

D. The need to give the central government the power to levy taxes





The Articles of Confederation did not allow anyone to claim their Bill of Rights. This caused concern among the many citizens. The Bill of Rights was needed to be added in order for the Constitution to be ratified.

Stability in the central government was not solid. Although they had complete control of the military, they struggled during conflicts like Shay's Rebellion. They needed a stronger central government.

Trade among states was not a problem. Actually, they welcomed new states as the Article of Confederation established the Northwest Ordinance to admit new states.

The Articles of Confederation had no taxing power. They struggled to pay their debts and needed revenue.

The Articles of Confederation that led to calling off the  Constitutional Convention of 1787 does not involve the dissatisfaction for safeguarding individual rights & liberties.

The following should be the concern related to the Articles of Confederation:

Fearfulness for steadiness of the central government.Trade should be promoted between the states.The requirement to provide the central government for the tax levied.

Therefore we can conclude that The Articles of Confederation that led to calling off the  Constitutional Convention of 1787 does not involve the dissatisfaction for safeguarding individual rights & liberties.

Learn more about the Articles of Confederation here: brainly.com/question/16379544

Do you know this it is for social studies



Evidence means verification

a Defending Write a persuasive paragraph to convince a friend or relative why government is necessary . As you write , think about the origin of the state theories . Do you believe government exists to carry out God's will and leaders are chosen by God or gods ? Do you believe governments exist to provide security and order for their people ? Do you have a different theory ? Explain your ideas thoroughly and share your paragraph with a friend or relative .​


The role of government in a country is important.

Firstly, government helps in the maintenance of law and order in a nation. This is vital in ensuring that there is peace in the country and vices are reduced.

Secondly, government helps in the regulating the economy of the country and ensuring that there is growth and development in the country.

Thirdly, government plays an important role in the maintenance of economic security in society

Lastly, government helps in the provision of public services such as schools, hospitals etc.

In conclusion, it should be noted that most countries practice democracy and not theocracy. In a democratic government, the people choose their leaders and leaders are not chosen by gods.

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Is this a good paragraph to answer this question?
How did mercantilism and the TransAtlantic trade led to the development of the colonies?
Britain's Navigation Acts Were to provided the colonies with built-in markets This process made both sides happy and made it easier to get money. At the end of French and Indian War Britain wanted to change its policies on mercantilism, and began enforcing policies that led to the animosity between Britain and its colonies.
Mercantilism and trans-atlantic inspired Parliament to control transatlantic trade with its American colonies. The transatlantic slave trade between Africa and the Americas was fueled by the need for raw materials and agricultural products like rice, indigo, tobacco, and cotton in England. All goods where shipped to or from British North America had to travel in British ships, and any goods exported to Europe had to land first in Britain to pay British taxes.



yea looks good


which law used in rome has been adapted by western democratic govermments



the jus civile (civil law)

In both Korea and Vietnam, the:

-United States won.

-United States sent troops to combat Communist forces.

-United States and the Soviet Union engaged in direct military conflict.

-conflict ended with the country split into a Communist North and a pro-Western South.


In both Korea and Vietnam, the:

-United States won.

-United States sent troops to combat Communist forces.

-United States and the Soviet Union engaged in direct military conflict.

-conflict ended with the country split into a Communist North and a pro-Western South.

Answer:-conflict ended with the country split into a Communist North and a pro-Western South.

[tex] \\ [/tex]

Select the correct answer. The senate and House of Representatives form which branch of government?


Answer: The Legislative branch


Q: The Senate and House of Representatives form which branch of government?



Provide two examples each for the
-key figures
for the Islamic Golden Age.


Achievements - Astronomy and Mathematics

Contributions - Algebra and Calculus

Key Figures - Muhammad Rashid and Umar

Sing eddsworld theme with tord.



The Eddsworld themesong lyrics +Tord (i took ages on this)


Eddsworld! Eddsworld? Sorry whose world is it? EDDSWORLD!

With Tom! Blue hoodie Both angry and rude Maybe it's the smarts maybe it's the tude One thing's for certain He doesn't make sense Half the time it's gibberish the other half is ingoobleyblench "What?"

And Matt! Purple hoodie! Also green overcoat Noone likes him as much as himself He's got a formidable chin yet he doesn't know that word because he has the intelligence of a kitchen shelf "Hey!" >:(

Tord Red hoodie! He's not what he seems He is a Norwegian commie Hunt addict Gun fanatic His only friends are Paul and Patrick "And my giant robot  HOW!

Edd! Green hoodie Usually the leader Probably the first of them all to poke fun He's the artist He loves cola And he's always trying make a pun Probably because of his linguistic Education! "That was terrible"


Explanation: E


Why did most Americans NOT want the United States to join the
League of Nations?
a. They feared the United States would lose some of its
b. They wanted to return to isolationism.
C. They wanted the United States to continue making its own
foreign policy.
d. all of the above



B, they wanted to return to isolationism


Put the line of succession of English Monarchs in order:
= Queen Elizabeth I
= King Charles |
= King Henry VIII
= King James II
= King James l


James l, charles l, James l, James ll, King Henry Vll, Queen Elizabeth

Do you know this for social studies




bias means prejudice

Hey there!

Bias means to give rise to prejudice in someone, so your answer is prejudice.

Have a great day!

According to the map, how many Midnight Riders were there? NAME THEM


Four men and one woman made late night rides, alerting the early Americans of what dangers lay ahead. They were Paul Revere, Samuel Prescott, Israel Bissell, William Dawes, and Sybil Ludington.

what is History ? Your opinion that explains what history is to you.


History is to me is many events on a time line to lead to what we are now. History not only shows us how we got to where we are but it also explains and tells the story of others before us and their struggles it gives a sense of where we came from.

To me, history is a timeline where we came to know about the past. Even what happened one second before has become a part of history.

What are some ways to evaluate if a source is reliable, valid, and credible? List at least three criteria
in three sentences.


To determine whether a source is trustworthy, valid, and credible, one must consider several criteria.

What are some ways to evaluate if a source is reliable, valid, and credible?

These include the author's proficiency, the reputation of the source, as well as the precision and recency of the information delivered. In order to appraise the reliability of a piece of writing or research, it is necessary to first evaluate the writer's credentials and level of expertise in their related field.

Afterward, analyzing a source's historical background, prejudices or any possible competing interests that could have an effect on the accuracy of the information presented is essential. Lastly, contrasting the data with other recognized sources and verifying for outdated or incorrect details will help assess its credibility.

Read more on credible sources here:https://brainly.com/question/1279931


What is the division of government between the states and the national government?


Answer: federalism


Power is divided between the national, state, and local government under a system known as federalism.

Do you know this it is for social studies


Evidence confirm a witness's story.

The Epic of Gilgamesh is one of history’s oldest surviving



The Epic of Gilgamesh is one of the oldiest stories that has been written in the history of mankind; oldest preserved stories at least. It was written on clay tablets which are to some extent still preserved today. And this is a feat which has immeasurable value considering what we can learn from it.

Allowing foreigners to live by the rules of their home country instead of the country in which they live is known as a. territoriality. C.sovereignty. b. extraterritoriality. d. free trade. ​



b. extraterritoriality.


Extraterritoriality allows for the specific location to abide by the rules of their home country, usually the cultural rules, rather then the governmental rules. The best example for such are embassy's, which are exempt from most laws applied to the common folk of the nation. However, that does not mean that they themselves do not have rules in which they abide by, however, it is generally a special set of laws that are applied to each, in a case by case scenario.


Understand the 6 principles that limit the power of government found in the Constitution (Be able to
describe/explain each one):

Democracy -

Republicanism -

Federalism -

Separation of Powers -

Checks and Balances -

Individual Rights -



Democracy is a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.

Plz help and whoever gets it right gets brailest



g and if anything more than c, d, and f


compare and contrast the black plague and Corona​



The black plague killed more people than corona, there was not a vaccine for the black plague and there is one for corona, corona has a lower mortality rate than the black plague.


The black plague killed 1/3 of Europe while corona killed 1% of people who contracted the virus. Back when the plague was a thing, penicillin did not exist to stop the infection but today there are vaccines, the plague killed more people.

How did the government try to help provide jobs





judaism's emphasis on the worth of what, came from its teaching about moral freedom and responsibility?

A. the nation
B. the individual
C. religion
D. reason


The answer is B my friend :) enjoy

12. Sobre o processo de conquista da América espanhola, responda a

cruzadinha a seguir:

a) Qual expedição chegou a na América, em 1492?

b) Qual foi um dos meios que os espanhóis utilizaram para a

conquista da América espanhola?

c) Em várias partes da América, o que houve entre os nativos em busca da sobrevivência?

d) Quem eram os financiadores das expedições?

e) Além da resistência qual era a outra opção dos nativos em busca da sobrevivência?

f) A conquista da América foi um dos maiores empreendimentos realizados na história de qual país?

g) Qual era o outro nome que Colombo usa para as Ásia?

h) Quais eram as duas grandes civilizações que estavam nas terras que foram consideradas

espanholas pela Igreja?

i) Imposto cobrados pela Coroa, as expedições autorizadas, das riquezas obtidas durante a expedição?

j) Nos primeiros anos, em quais ilhas a colonização espanhola aconteceu?

k) Além da fundação de grandes portos o que mais foi fundado devido a exploração de metais na


l) Que tipo de mineração foi implantada?

m) Qual foi o maior nome na defesa dos índios contra a violência espanhola?

n) Oprimeiro conflito entre espanhóis e astecas que mataram dezenas de indígenas, foi marcado pela

invasão de um?

o) Para onde era levado os metais preciosos explorados na América?

p) Qual era o principal metal precioso explorado nas américas?

q) Qual império foi muito difícil e demorado a sua conquista por localizar-se nos Andes sul-americanos?

r) Além de ocupar o território americano os espanhóis também desenvolveram qual outro processo?

s) Qual língua era falada pelos Incas e continua sendo falada até hoje



on. , MAA, is,


AMERICA ,conquista ,

i don’t know the language your speeming sorry but good luck

How do the Appalachian Mountains influence the agricultural industry in Georgia?

A The mountains prevent warm air and precipitation traveling south from leaving the state, which increases agricultural production

B The mountains prevent warm air and precipitation traveling north from leaving the state, which increases agricultural production

C The mountains prevent warm air and precipitation traveling south from entering the rest of the state, which decreases agricultural production

D The mountains prevent warm air and precipitation traveling north from entering the rest of the state, which decreases agricultural production.



the answer is A; the mountains prevent warm air from leaving the state

The influence of the Appalachian Mountains is C The mountains prevent warm air and precipitation traveling south from entering the rest of the state, which decreases agricultural production

What are the Appalachian Mountains?

The Appalachian Mountains are a major barrier to weather systems moving south from the Gulf of Mexico. This means that the southern part of Georgia, which is located in the foothills of the mountains, receives less precipitation and has a shorter growing season than the northern part of the state.

This makes it more difficult to grow crops in the southern part of Georgia, and it also makes the area more susceptible to drought.

The mountains also prevent warm air from traveling south, which can lead to cooler temperatures in the southern part of Georgia. This can also make it more difficult to grow crops in the southern part of the state.

Find out more on the Appalachian Mountains at https://brainly.com/question/10776003


Based on Prothero Hindu History Indus Valley Civilization (42-43). use approximately three or four
sentences to summarize the Aryan invasion thesis. This summary must be in your own words.


The Hindu History Indus Valley Civilization was discovered in the 1880s by by archaeologists. The first city that was discovered through excavation was Harappa, this is why it is also called the 'Harappan Civilization'.

The Indus Valley people produced tin, lead, copper, bronze, etc. They were also good builders.

According to the Aryan invasion thesis, which was posited during the colonial age by Western scholars,  it was stated that there were some people referred to as Aryan from Central Asia who displaced the indigenous Indus Valley Civilization.

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To what degree was communism a genuine threat to the interests and security of the United States in the early 1950s? Was the American reaction to this threat reasonable?



American leaders believed that the Soviets were determined to impose its beliefs and control on the rest of the world.

what happend on july 30, 1619​



The General Assembly was established by Gov. George Yeardley at Jamestown


Do you know this for social studies



having or revealing little emotion


tending to persuade by forcefulness of argument

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