1)During the second Industrial Revolution, immigration was necessary to *

A.drive down labor costs.

B.provide a market for manufactured goods.

C.provide needed labor.

d.populate the cities.

2)The most significant reason railroads encouraged industrial growth was *

A.the connection of the east and west coasts via railways.

B.the use of the Bessemer process to build steel tracks.

C.the increase in labor necessary to build railroad cars.

D.the efficient transportation of raw materials and finished goods.

3)What is the most likely definition of the French term laissez-faire? *

A.“Allow to act.”

B.“Obey the rules.”

C.“Be just.”

D“Work quickly.”

4)What was one effect of the Industrial Revolution in the United States? *

A.Many more goods were imported.

B.The government lowered taxes.

C.The number of people working as farmers increased.

D.The cost of many goods made in the United States decreased.

5)Laissez-faire policies allowed businesses to operate under maximum government regulation. *

True or false

6)The U.S. government encourage American industry in the late nineteenth century by creating protective tariffs. *

True or False

7)Thomas Edison established a research laboratory at Menlo Park, New Jersey in 1876. *

True or False

8)By 1883, there were two transcontinental railroad lines in the United States. *

True or False


Answer 1
Answer 2

During the Second Industrial Revolution, immigration was necessary to provide a market for manufactured goods. Thus, option B is correct.

The most significant reason railroads encouraged industrial growth was the efficient transportation of raw materials and finished goods. Thus, option D is correct.

“Allow to act” is the most likely definition of the French term laissez-faire. Thus, option A is correct.

The cost of many goods made in the United States decreased was the effect of the Industrial Revolution in the United States. Thus, option D is correct.

Laissez-faire policies allowed businesses to operate under maximum government regulation. This statement is False.

The U.S. government encourage American industry in the late nineteenth century by creating protective tariffs. This statement is True.

Thomas Edison established a research laboratory at Menlo Park, New Jersey in 1876. This statement is True.

By 1883, there were two transcontinental railroad lines in the United States. This statement is True.

The Industrial Revolution had a significant impact on the North and was mostly favorable, with the exception of the issues that arose when immigration first began. Affluent entrepreneurs and a comfortable middle class, made largely of immigrants and newcomers from American farms and small towns, were developed during this period of industrial boom.

Although technology has altered the world in many different ways, the Second Industrial Revolution may have brought about the most changes. Cities expanded, industry spread out, and people's lives began to be dictated by the clock rather than the sun throughout the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Learn more about the industrial revolution here:



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He was elected in 1881


James A Garfield


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Farmers as a group did not share in the general prosperity of the latter nineteenth century, and believed that they had been marked out as special victims of the new industrial system. Beginning in the 1870s, they attempted in a number of ways to mount an effective political campaign to rectify what they saw as the corruption of government and economic power, which they attributed to big businesses and railroads. In fact, much of the farmers' plight was due to factors unrelated to industrialization, such as fluctuations in international markets for corn and wheat. But perceptions are often more important than reality, and American farmers believed that the democratic system of their forebears was being subverted.

The most successful of the agrarian political movements was the People's Party, or the Populist Party, which after the 1892 presidential campaign appeared to have the strength to become a potent force in American politics. Its strength lay primarily in the southern and midwestern states, the agricultural heartland of the nation, although its leaders tried to reach out and attract eastern workers.

The People's Party platform of 1896 is notable for several reasons. First, it summed up two decades of resentment by farmers against a system that they believed ignored their needs and mercilessly exploited them. But it was not just big business to which they objected. The Populists worried that the alliance between business and government would destroy American democracy, and the various proposals they put forward had two aims. The goal was not just to relieve economic pressure on agriculture, but also to restore democracy by eliminating what the Populists saw as the corrupt and corrupting alliance between business and government.

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Answer:Many white families pulled their children out of school. State governments worked to prevent integration. School districts refused to admit African American students.



C , D , E


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The Event that sparked WW1 was the death of the Austrian Royal Family (look up their names)


the death of the royal austrainain famiy


Why would this local event spark such a global response?

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No because mistake is mistake so human respect doesn't came there


no mistake is mistake so human respect doesn't came there..


I hope U like my answer and my answer helped U....

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[tex]\huge\mathfrak\green{ President}[/tex]

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A! The Teapot Dome Scandal



Hope it helps

According to the web "

Warren G. Harding, an Ohio Republican, was the 29th President of the United States (1921-1923). Though his term in office was fraught with scandal, including Teapot Dome, Harding embraced technology and was sensitive to the plights of minorities and women. Before his nomination, Warren G."

Braniest plz

why should cursive writing be taught t in school an introductory paragraph



cursive writing are taught in school an indroductory paragraph because it encourage fludity of thought processes and also much quicker.

student get another chance to fully comprehend the alphabet . learning cursive handwriting gives clear understanding of how letter are formed.

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Civics is a subject that is very much like political science.



I could not help but see your qeustoin.

& Make a list of the a list of the symptoms of anaemia ​





chest pain

yellowish skin

shortness of breathe

cold body


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the Ottoman Empire



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The system of weights and measures in use among the Hebrews was derived from Babylonia and Egypt, especially from the former


I hope this helps

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The British were able to undermine the advantage the French enjoyed by cutting off French shipping to the Americas. The patriots saw taxation as something that should be avoided, which they thought would threaten their prosperity and liberty. The patriots also saw themselves as equal to the British parliament.

The Civil Rights Act expanded



It ended public segregation. It ended poll taxes. It ended voter literacy tests. It ended gender discrimination.



The role of women in government.


Just took the quiz. Have a great weekend.

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It mostly benefitted new Western states who could use the lands to create colleges for their citizens.



Northern states who could use the lands to create colleges serving all US citizens

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i hope this helps <3


The Vikings left a huge impact in the English language. Old Norse and Norwegian words and expressions are commonplace in everyday English. ... Modern English has been influenced by Old Norse, the language of the Vikings who left a number of words that reflected their lifestyle and way of life. > - <

can the rule of incest be said to have any significance for social progression.​



it doesn`t really have 'social progression'

it`s like having their own religion but no effect on those around them

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The Age of Enlightenment was a movement where philosophers spread the ideas of reason and rationalism throughout Europe during the 18th century. A few notable philosophers include John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, Montesquieu, and many more.


The powers and uses of reason had first been explored by the philosophers of ancient movement that dominated Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries with global influences and effects.

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Subject knowledge has a very important role to play because high-quality teaching rests on teachers understanding the subjects they are teaching, knowing the structure and sequencing of concepts, developing factual knowledge essential to each subject and guiding their pupils into the different ways of knowing that ..

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B make Victoria, which feeds the Nile River

Option b lake Victoria which feeds the Nile river
Hope it helps

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Immigrants were generally more willing to accept lower wages and inferior working conditions than native born workers (Zolberg 2006: 69). Great efficiencies in production led to higher profits that could be reinvested in new technology, which led to even more production and eventually higher wages for workers.

Do you think there was any way the native populations could have expelled Europeans from the Americas?


No, I don't think so. When Europeans first arrived in America, they were already using metals and gunpowder, while the native population of America was still using stone tools and had just started experimenting with bronze. Moreover, Europeans bought many pathogens with them from which they themselves were immune, but the native population was not. The flu virus alone is said to have wiped most of the population. Europeans could not have been defeated because they had better technologies and resources.

What do you think the Founders meant when they wrote, "secure the bessings of liberty"?



'Secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity' The phrase confirms the Framer's vision that the very purpose of the Constitution is to protect the nation's blood-earned rights for liberty, justice, and freedom from a tyrannical government.



the phrase confirms the framer's vision that the purpose of the constitution is to protect the nation's blood-earned rights for liberty, justice, and freedom from a oppressive government.

hope i helped luv (: have a good rest of your day.

All of the following were concerns about the Articles of Confederation that led to the calling of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 EXCEPT

A. Dissatisfaction over safeguards of individual rights and liberties

B. Fear for the stability of the central government

C. Desire to promote trade among the states

D. The need to give the central government the power to levy taxes





The Articles of Confederation did not allow anyone to claim their Bill of Rights. This caused concern among the many citizens. The Bill of Rights was needed to be added in order for the Constitution to be ratified.

Stability in the central government was not solid. Although they had complete control of the military, they struggled during conflicts like Shay's Rebellion. They needed a stronger central government.

Trade among states was not a problem. Actually, they welcomed new states as the Article of Confederation established the Northwest Ordinance to admit new states.

The Articles of Confederation had no taxing power. They struggled to pay their debts and needed revenue.

The Articles of Confederation that led to calling off the  Constitutional Convention of 1787 does not involve the dissatisfaction for safeguarding individual rights & liberties.

The following should be the concern related to the Articles of Confederation:

Fearfulness for steadiness of the central government.Trade should be promoted between the states.The requirement to provide the central government for the tax levied.

Therefore we can conclude that The Articles of Confederation that led to calling off the  Constitutional Convention of 1787 does not involve the dissatisfaction for safeguarding individual rights & liberties.

Learn more about the Articles of Confederation here: brainly.com/question/16379544

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Evidence means verification

a Defending Write a persuasive paragraph to convince a friend or relative why government is necessary . As you write , think about the origin of the state theories . Do you believe government exists to carry out God's will and leaders are chosen by God or gods ? Do you believe governments exist to provide security and order for their people ? Do you have a different theory ? Explain your ideas thoroughly and share your paragraph with a friend or relative .​


The role of government in a country is important.

Firstly, government helps in the maintenance of law and order in a nation. This is vital in ensuring that there is peace in the country and vices are reduced.

Secondly, government helps in the regulating the economy of the country and ensuring that there is growth and development in the country.

Thirdly, government plays an important role in the maintenance of economic security in society

Lastly, government helps in the provision of public services such as schools, hospitals etc.

In conclusion, it should be noted that most countries practice democracy and not theocracy. In a democratic government, the people choose their leaders and leaders are not chosen by gods.

Read related link on:


which law used in rome has been adapted by western democratic govermments



the jus civile (civil law)

In both Korea and Vietnam, the:

-United States won.

-United States sent troops to combat Communist forces.

-United States and the Soviet Union engaged in direct military conflict.

-conflict ended with the country split into a Communist North and a pro-Western South.


In both Korea and Vietnam, the:

-United States won.

-United States sent troops to combat Communist forces.

-United States and the Soviet Union engaged in direct military conflict.

-conflict ended with the country split into a Communist North and a pro-Western South.

Answer:-conflict ended with the country split into a Communist North and a pro-Western South.

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