Find an equation of the line perpendicular to the graph of 14x-7y=4 that passes through the point at (-2,4)


Answer 1








We search for a line y=m2x+b2

m1*m2=-1 (because this line is perpendicular for the line which we have)

So 2m2=-1


Then If the point (-2,4) belongs to the searched line  use its coordinates for the line y=m2x+b2

4= (-0.5) (-2)+b2



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still still talking of amendments, how can they be made? (name two methods)



An amendment can be proposed by a two-third vote of both Houses of the Congress, or, if two-thirds of the States request one. The amendment will, then be ratified by three-fourths of the State legislatures, or three-fourths of conventions called in each State for ratification.


Article V of the Constitution provides two ways to propose amendments to the document. Amendments may be proposed ;-

by the Congress, through a joint resolution passed by a two-thirds vote. a convention called by Congress in response to applications from two-thirds of the state legislatures.


(by Benjemin)

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Like other Europeans of his time, he believed firmly in the completeness of human knowledge. What he saw, therefore, he incorporated into his existing worldview, and the Native Americans thereby became, to the satisfaction of most Europeans, simply Indians.

hope this will help you

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The attack on the World Trade Center.

On ‎February 26, 1993, 6 people died, but hundreds of others were injured and sent to the hospital in critical conditions.

Why was the United States so interested in Cuba's independence?
The United States held true to the Monroe Doctrine and wanted to protect Cuba for altruistic reasons.
The United States invested a lot of money in Cuba and wanted to protect the investment
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The United States supported Spain and wanted to assist in protecting Spain's colony.


Because the United States invested a lot of money in Cuba and wanted to protect the investment, that was why they were so interested in Cuba's independence.

What happened because of U.S. Intervention?

The United States went to war with Spain to liberate Cuba from Spanish rule because they were motivated by both humanitarian concerns and self-interest to help Cuba.

Therefore, the Option B is correct.

Read more about Cuba independence


How are the Torah and the Christian Bible similar? How are they different?

The Torah is the Old Testament, while the Christian Bible contains the Old and New Testament.

The Torah is a record of past events, while The Christian Bible is a moral guide.

The Torah and the Christian Bible are exactly the same.

The Torah is the Old Testament, while the Christian Bible is only the New Testament.



Books. While Torah has five books including Genesis, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Exodus and Leviticus, the Bible has a total of 66 books, 27 New Testament books, and 39 Old Testament books.

1. This chart lists the four characteristics that all states share. Which of these characteristics
represents the system a state uses to make and enforce public policy?
O sovereignty
O government
O territory


the correct answers is government

Do you know this for social studies



The correct answer is:

A work that describes or analyzes firsthand accounts.


a work that describes and analyzes firsthand account

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According to the U.S. Constitution, the president may enter into treaties with foreign governments provided that
A. the treaties will not be considered a permanent part of the U.S. Constitution.
B. two-thirds of the members of the Senate consent.
OC. they are not deemed unconstitutional.
OD. the treaties are economically advantageous for the United States.


Passed by the Senate on June 8, 1866, and ratified two years later, on July 9, 1868, the Fourteenth Amendment granted citizenship to all persons "born or naturalized in the United States," including formerly enslaved people, and provided all citizens with “equal protection under the laws,” extending the provisions of .

Which definition of the time designation BCE is correct



Simply put, BCE (Before Common Era) is a secular version of BC (before Christ). CE (Common Era) is the secular equivalent of AD (anno Domini), which means “in the year of the Lord” in Latin. January 1, 45 BCE (Before Common Era), or – if you prefer – on January 1, 45 BC (before Christ)


To what extent do you agree with
the Allied action over Japan?
What are the pros and cons of
such attacks?


Pro: pushed back axis powers
Com: nukes killed many civilians

Philosophy in our daily life



It helps us solve our problems -mundane or abstract, and it helps us make better decisions by developing our critical thinking (very important in the age of disinformation). ... It illustrates by linking influential ideas to mundane activities, such as waking up with Descartes and going to the gym with Heidegger.


Hope it it helpful......

Which statement about the Hundred Years' War is FALSE?



England and France went to war over the need for land and matters of honor.

Members of which of the following groups are most likely to be social
evangelical Protestants
African Americans
the elderly
single mothers



Evangelical Protestants


Evangelical Protestants are considered the backbone of America's religious right. According to the Pew Research Center, this group of people tend to be of the White race, be of older age (baby boomers), and are made up of the middle-class in terms of wealth.


However, that isn't to say that Evangelical Protestants are all White. Sure, African-Americans, the elderly, and single mothers could very well be a part of EPs, but since it is asking most likely, then the choice of EPs is correct.

1. Slash-and-burn horticulture is a technique that involves which of the following?
A. Harvesting or using a resource so that the resource is not depleted or permanently damaged
B. Farming land until it is depleted of natural resources, then leaving it fallow until it is restored
C. Cutting down and burning vegetation
clear a field
D. Using simple technology for small-scale farming



answer is A


mark me brainliest ❤

Which of the following was a problem caused by trusts in the late 1800s?
O A. Businesses spent most of their money on workers' salaries.
B. Factories had a difficult time finding workers.
C. Companies moved their factories to foreign countries.
D. Consumers paid higher prices for goods and services.



D, Consumers paid higher prices for goods and services. Hope this helped! :)

It’s D! Consumers paid higher prices for goods and services ! I just answer this question in class!

how did apartheid start​



After the National Party gained power in South Africa in 1948, its all-white government immediately began enforcing existing policies of racial segregation. Under apartheid, nonwhite South Africans (a majority of the population) would be forced to live in separate areas from whites and use separate public facilities


After the National Party gained power in South Africa in 1948, its all-white government immediately began enforcing existing policies of racial segregation. Under apartheid, nonwhite South Africans (a majority of the population) would be forced to live in separate areas from whites and use separate public facilities.

Determine Central Ideas In the first two
paragraphs above, Douglass addresses the
audience as "fellow citizens" but then sets up a
contrast between two separate groups of people.
Which group does he represent? Which group is
he addressing?


In the 1850s abolition was not a widely embraced movement in the United States. It was considered radical, extreme, and dangerous. In “What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?” Frederick Douglass sought not only to convince people of the wrongfulness of slavery but also to make abolition more acceptable to Northern whites.

Frederick Douglass, ca 1855, Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Frederick Douglass, “What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?” An Address Delivered in Rochester, New York, on July 5, 1855

At the invitation of the Rochester Ladies Anti-Slavery Society, Frederick Douglass delivered this speech on July 5, 1852, at Corinthian Hall in Rochester, New York. It was reported and reprinted in Northern newspapers and was published and sold as a forty-page pamphlet within weeks of its delivery. The 500 to 600 people who heard Douglass speak were generally sympathetic to his remarks. A newspaper noted that when he sat down, “there was a universal burst of applause.” Nonetheless, many who read his speech would not have been so enthusiastic. Even Northerners who were anti-slavery were not necessarily pro-abolition. Many were content to let Southerners continue to hold slaves, a right they believed was upheld by the Constitution. They simply did not want to slavery to spread to areas where it did not exist. In this Independence Day oration, Douglass sought to persuade those people to embrace what was then considered the extreme position of abolition.

He also sought to change minds about the abilities and intelligence of African Americans. In 1852 many, if not most, white Americans believed that African Americans were inferior, indeed, less than fully human. Douglass tries to dispel these notions through an impressive display of liberal learning. His speech gives ample evidence of knowledge of rhetoric, history, literature, religion, economics, poetry, music, law, even advances in technology.

The answer is D, Groups fighting for equal rights and other causes felt that political parties were not meeting their needs.

(This is for anyone who had these choices for this question)



Answer is D!

I hope it Helps

How does Columbus describe the people of Hispaniola? List at least three pieces of evidence from the passage.



He described them as essentiallu malleable.


He states "I saw that they were very friendly to us", meaning they had goodwill towards Columbus and his man. Then mentioned " they to be a very poor people...Weapons they have none." So the island he came upon was made of simple living people good natured people. Which lead him to the conclusion that they ,"would be good servants... and very readily become Christians." So he saw them as essentially malleable for his goal to conquer lands and gain wealth for his King and Queen.

Columbus describe the people of Hispaniola as essentially malleable. The people had  living people had good nature towards Columbus and his men. So, he  thought  that they can become good servants and can easily accept  Christianity.

Who was Columbus?

The Christopher Columbus was a Portuguese explorer.  The Christopher Columbus made four trips across the Atlantic Ocean from Spain: in 1492, 1493, 1498 and 1502.

The Christopher wants to  find a oceanic route from Europe to Asia, but he never did. Instead of finding Asia especially India , he stumbled upon the Americas.

By accidently he reached America but it opened the fate of Europe in the colonization process of Americas. As his journeys started the beginning of centuries of exploration and colonization of North and South America.

Columbus describe the people of Hispaniola as essentially malleable.

Learn more about Columbus here:


briefly describe vygotsky sociocultural theory



Vygotsky's sociocultural theory views human development as a socially mediated process in which children acquire their cultural values, beliefs, and problem-solving strategies through collaborative dialogues with more knowledgeable members of society.

Do you know this it is for social studies



D. Impertinent


One of the definitions is a point that is irrelevant to a specific topic.

List down at least 10 reasons that separates Human being from other animals.​


1. Our intellect
2. Modernity
3. Looks
4. Behavior
5. Adaptation
6. Smell
7. Activities
8. Abilities
9. Intelligence
10. Vision

How does the temperance movement compare to the other movements of the Progressive



The Eighteenth Amendment to the Constitution prohibited the manufacture, sale, or transport of alcoholic beverages. It was the product of a temperance movement that began in the 1830s. The movement grew in the Progressive Era, when social problems such as poverty and drunkenness gained public attention.


The temperance movement was about banning alcohol. The progressive era was against temperance because of the violence that was due to alcohol.

What is the temperance movement?

The Temperance movement was started for the total prohibition of the consumption of alcohol. It was known to be a social movement. It was started on 19 Jan 1853 and led by a woman activist, Susan B. Anthony.  The movement was started in the woman's temperance movement.

The movement's main aim was the prohibition of intoxicating alcohol. The movement was short-lived and it triumphed. As many people drank alcohol and violate the law.

Therefore, the goal of the temperance movement was to outlaw alcohol. Because of the violence caused by alcohol, the progressive age as opposed to temperance.

To learn more about the temperance movement, refer to the link:


True or False
Thomas Jefferson was a federalist who wanted to give the national government more power.





False. he was anti federalist

How did early Dutch settlements compare with other European colonial efforts?



B. The Dutch are famously known for New York and water in general so while the English wanted to become farmers the Dutch relied on trade, the main difference, but they still needed the waterways. All the other answers can be eliminated one way or another.


Which describes how certain workers in Law, Public Safety, and Security careers receive training before and after being hired?


Workers in Law, Public Safety, and Security careers receive training both before and after being hired. Before being hired, individuals may need to complete a specific education program or training course to meet the requirements of the position.

After being hired, workers may receive on-the-job training to learn specific skills and procedures related to their job. Additionally, ongoing training is often required to keep up with changes in laws, technology, and best practices.

This training may be provided by the employer or through external organizations. Overall, training is an essential component of Law, Public Safety, and Security careers to ensure that workers are prepared to handle their responsibilities effectively and safely.

To know more about Public Safety visit:


K answers
1.8M people helped
Answer: The most significant cultural difference is in terms of the moral and the relation to nature.


Before the arrival of Europeans, Indians lived in harmony with the laws of nature. The Indians benefited from life as much as they needed to survive. They believed that if he took more th


nswer: The most significant cultural difference is in terms of the moral and the relation to nature.

Hitler made an agreement with Joseph Stalin because

A. He wanted to invade Poland without interference
B. Stalin respected the German leader
C. Hitler thought the Soviets would protect Germany from the West
D. Germany wanted to combine with the Soviet culture​


          A. He wanted to invade Poland without interference




A. He wanted to invade Poland without interference


With the peace treaty in agreement, he could invade Poland and basically get away with it because he stated that he didn't want to cause any harm

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