How are the Torah and the Christian Bible similar? How are they different?

The Torah is the Old Testament, while the Christian Bible contains the Old and New Testament.

The Torah is a record of past events, while The Christian Bible is a moral guide.

The Torah and the Christian Bible are exactly the same.

The Torah is the Old Testament, while the Christian Bible is only the New Testament.


Answer 1


Books. While Torah has five books including Genesis, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Exodus and Leviticus, the Bible has a total of 66 books, 27 New Testament books, and 39 Old Testament books.

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Where is Rome located?





It's the capital of Italy

Rome is located in the Metropolitan City of Rome, in Europe, Italy. Some other interesting additional information about Rome is that it was founded thousands of years ago and is one of the greatest empires and kingdoms in this world's history. It is the current capital of Italy as well, which truly supports its significance in this world. Anyways, I hope that this has helped answer your question for you. Enjoy your day, and take care.

7. A imagem a seguir é pintura, do séc. XVII, representa a conquista de Tenochtitlán por Cortés em
1521, representa o início do cerco que acabou por derrotar Cuauhtémoc e por fim no império Asteca.
A pintura não tem autoria conhecida. Com base na imagem responda os questionamentos a seguir.

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b)Quem está sendo retratado?
c) O que está sendo retratado?
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e)Descreva com suas palavras esse evento.




Describe the many factors that resulted in America becoming more of a consumer society during the 1920s.



Winning WW1 as it boosted American spirits, and led to celebration that just went on and on. The rise of products and services that could be purchased for pleasure and not necessity, such as alcohol and fancier cars/clothes. And the growth of cities v.s the previously scattered people in the countrysides.

Select the correct answer.
How is the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment best described?
O A. It prevents the government from creating a nationally recognized religion.
It allows each individual the freedom to practice a religion of choice.
It restricts a church's ability to collect money from its followers.
It keeps the federal government from placing property taxes on churches.



i thin it b


Scholars are now absolutely certain that Stonehenge site functioned as a timetable to mark seasonal changes.
true or false


I think it is false because they are not absolutely certain

Scholars are now certain that the Stonehenge site served as a calendar to mark seasonal fluctuations.

The statement is false.

Why is Stonehenge so well-known?

Stonehenge is the world's most structurally advanced prehistoric stone circle, whereas Avebury is the world's largest.

They aid our understanding of Neolithic and Bronze Age ceremonial and burial behaviors by bringing together interconnected monuments and their surrounding environments.

For more information about Stonehenge refer to the link:


Please write in your own words
Write a 3-paragraph essaying comparing and contrasting the standard of living in the United States and in each of the other two countries you chose. Use data about per capita GDP and other factors to consider similarities and differences between the standard of living in all three countries.

First, conduct research to learn more about the standard of living in each country. Look for information about

educational opportunities
pollution, safety, and health
work-life balance
equality or inequality between men and women
equality or inequality between different racial or ethnic groups
You might wish to begin your research about the United States with this link.

Take notes as you research. Remember to keep track of where you find information so that you can cite your sources.

In your essay, describe similarities and differences between the standards of living in all three countries. Use per capita GDP and other facts and data from your research to support your ideas.



The United States has a higher per capita GDP than Sweden, but Sweden ranks higher on other quality of life measures. Both the United States and Sweden have much higher per capita GDP than Venezuela. They also rank higher than Venezuela on measures like life expectancy and education, although the contrasts in life expectancy and education are not as great as the differences in per capita GDP.

The United States shows a contrast between GDP and personal earnings. Women are better educated overall than men, but men make more. There is an extreme difference between the rich and the poor. Venezuelans experience extreme food scarcity. Around 81 percent of Venezuelans live in poverty. Citizens experience frequent water and electricity shortages. These differences reflect the differences seen in per capita GDP.


Political parties appeared in the US mainly due to different opinions about ________ and ________.


Answer: debt and slavery


North and South America are joined by:

The Andes
Central America


They Are Joined By Central America
joined by Central America

did the colonies relationship with each other change for the better or for the worst after the french and indian war HELPPP PLEASE ​



The colonies relationship with each other did not change after the french and indian war .

How did Spain rule its colonies differently than England



The Spain colonies were governed by crown-appointed viceroys or governors. Settlers had to obey the king's laws and could make none of their own while the English colonists enjoyed far more freedom and were able to govern themselves as long as they [ followed English law and were loyal to the king. ]


The Spain colonies used the rule of crown-appointed governors that made the Spain colonies different than England.

The Spain colonization was begun by Spain conquistadors under the name Crown of Castile. For leading, the colonies the Americans were invaded and were incorporated into the Spanish Empire.

The Spain colonies worked differently from England as the settlers in the crown-appointed governors still obey the laws of government and the laws provided by the king were not allowed to alter.

This was the way the Spain colonies worked differently from England as the kings were loyal and gave more freedoms.

To know more about Spain colonies, refer to the link:

Which would be an example of a violation of someone's Fifth Amendment rights?

A:the government seizing someone's property without explanation
B:the government allowing someone to be tried twice for the same crime
C:the government breaking up someone's peaceful protest
D:the government charging someone a particularly excessive fine




the firth amendment is no self incrimination or double jeopardy.

trying someone for the same crime is double jeopardy.

A. Is amendment 4, so that isn’t it.

C. Is Amendment 1, so that isn’t it.

D. Is amendment 8, so it’s not that

South Africa struggled with what racially divisive policy during the 1900s?


federal system

gender discrimination

ethnic cleansing



A because South Africans were forced to do Afrikaans by force

Help please I don’t know


The answer is b, they were looking for peace after the war

During the French and Indian War, George Washington



For Washington the French and Indian War started in late 1753, when he was selected as the British emissary to the French frontier establishment. It ended with the fall of Fort Duquesne to the combined British and colonial forces. Washington emerged from the war as a less naïve person.


In what ways does Twain attack the current views of Imperialism in America?



Mark Twain hated the concept of imperialism because it was based on hypocrisy and domination. He found imperialism's true goal of conquest as contrary to American ideals of democracy


What multimedia element would enhance a speech about emergency preparedness?​


THE THIRD PICTURE is the one that would most enhance a speech about emergency preparedness.


The third picture


What are some advantages of declaring independence from Great Britain?



it raised the possibility of foreign aid since other countries would no longer view assistance as meddling in another country's internal affairs; it also raised hopes that colonists captured by the mother country would be treated as prisoners of war


An urban area that controls neighboring farmland that is not under the control of an empire or another government is a


wait homie nvm, its a city-state

what was the jews reaction o the roman rule?



Roman tactlessness and inefficiency, along with famine and internal squabbles, led to a rise in Jewish discontent.


Although Judaea was ruled by the Romans, the governors there had practiced the same kind of religious tolerance as was shown to Jews in Rome [expert]. However, Roman tactlessness and inefficiency, along with famine and internal squabbles, led to a rise in Jewish discontent

Find the solution to (-5)(-6)





is the answer of this question.

= 30, we did this by multiplying the numbers




The primary point of difference between capitalism and communism is regarding the ownership of 'means of production' or resources in general. Communism shuns private/individual ownership of land or any vital resources. ... On the other hand, capitalism believes in private ownership of land and means of production.


I'm not sure but I hope it helps

An American cartoonist drew this cartoon of a French general holding a sword.

Which statement best expresses the message the cartoonist was trying to convey?



France should force Germany to accept responsibility for the war.

this was the message that cartoon was trying to convey

Answer: basically Americans blamed the French for the costs of war

Explanation: it seems like the French holding the sword is a kind of insult to the French, kinda like saying everything was their fault

How did horses affect the lives of the Native Americans ofthe Plains?


Answer:what horses?


If you were to set up a
timeline with the events listed below, which event would you list first?
O French Revolution
O Declaration of Independence
O English Bill of Rights
O Magna Carta



magna Carta, French Revolution, English bill of right, Declaration of independence.


I hope this helps

What is the same about the ideas in the poems "you" and " it couldn't be done"






The same idea's expressed in the poems is, that they are both about how you are as a person, and the way you are structured, in your strengths, and weaknesses, and whatever you do in life, will resemble you as you are, throughout life


How is the
process of thinking chronologically similar to that of creating a timeline?



i hope this helps <3


both require thinking about time as a series of events that take place one after the other--as opposed to focusing on similarities and connections between events that may be "out of order" on a given timeline.


Both the processes of creating a timeline and thinking chronologically are similar in that both require thinking about time as a series of events that take place one after the other--as opposed to focusing on similarities and connections between events that may be "out of order" on a given timeline.

4. In a paragraph describe a society with no historic interest (8 sentences minimum)​





do it yourself

How did the style of portraits and sculptures illustrate the ideas of the Renaissance?

They incorporated religious themes into vague natural scenes.

They created a magical mood by depicting religious figures hovering.

They used realism to reveal the individual personality of their subjects.

They emphasized technical aspects to highlight scientific achievement.



They used realism to reveal the individual personality of their subjects.


The Renaissance is the time were there was a lot more attention put into art and so the fact that some of these painting would have a lot more distinct feeling and detail seems likely.

How can you interact with entire world?



by being kind and honest and all that



people interact with technology through ever more. The global market for speech and voice recognition technologies alone


Technology has a big impact to the world these days.

Do you know this for social studies


The secound option is right

Hey there!

I believe your answer would be "a firsthand document or artifact that provides information.

Hope this helps! Have a great day!

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