In 1962, the United States Supreme Court ruled in the case of Engle v. Vitale that —
A. endorsing official prayer in public schools is a violation of the First Amendment

B. religious symbols are not allowed in public facilities

C. state governments can allow prayer before public sports events

D. a “moment of silence” is mandated in public schools under the First Amendment


Answer 1


Explanation:school-sponsored prayer in public schools violated the establishment clause of the First Amendment.

Related Questions

Congressional powers make all laws to fulfill
functions, as stated in the
A. Articles of Confederation
B. Constitution
C. Federal Government


Its c. The constitution obviously

How would women without husbands and fathers be vulnerable? (British Colonies in North America)


Pretty vulnerable because during that age they were not allowed a full education and neither could they get any jobs at all. They likely wouldn’t last long if at all due to the fact that they were considered inferior.

Which development made travel between states faster and easier?

Highway system
Roman bathhouses


Highway system .

Highways are the road lines which connects the key cities or places of two or more states .They are of two typesNational Highways.State Highways

Highway system......

Continuing through the 1840s, many thousands of miles of improved county and town roads were constructed as well. The new roads were far better constructed and maintained, and allowed for much faster travel. In response, the number of vehicles on the roads increased rapidly, far faster than population.

Question 8 of 10
Which best describes the Socratic method?
A. Not allowing students to talk during lessons
B. Leading the student to his or her own conclusion
C. Allowing the student to lead the questioning
D. Forcing the student to take thorough notes


D should be the answer

Allowing the student to lead the questioning best describes the Socratic method. Thus, option C is correct.

What is Socratic method?

The Socratic method is a dialogue between teachers and students that is sparked by the teacher's persistent probing questions in an effort to explore the underlying beliefs that shape the students view and opinions. It was created by the Greek philosopher Socrates.

Though frequently misinterpreted , this dielectical approach of questioning is the foundation of the majority of western pedagogical history, dating back to Plato. For example, a professor might randomly select a student and quiz them during the entire class period. The final objective is to confuse the student and introduce inconsistencies into their case. On the other hand, a lecturer could pick a set of students and teach them about legal concepts.

Learn more about Socratic Methods here:


Advertising in ancient times was done by​



Advertising the art of selling a product or service through modes of communication, some of which existed in ancient Rome where crudely drawn or painted messages were left on walls touting a variety of businesses. The Romans used this method as well as wall posters for political campaigns during the time of the Republic. Even before that, the Egyptians used papyrus sheets to make sales. Some have suggested that Neolithic cave paintings constitute a form of advertising, touting the prowess of hunters.

The birth of modern advertising

A man named Thomas J. Barratt of the Pears Soap Company of London is said to be the father of modern advertising in the early 19th century. He introduced the concepts of targeted phrases and images to advertise the virtues of Pears Soap. He also introduced the concepts of brand images, saturation campaigns, and market research.

Around the same time, Volmey P. Palmer of Philadelphia started the original version of an advertising agency. He would buy advertising space in newspaper in bulk at cut-rate prices and then sell the space at a markup to businesses that wanted to advertise their products. The businesses in question were still responsible for laying out the images and text of their ads. That situation changed as ad agencies took over the task of ad layouts and planning campaigns.

Advertising in the 20th century

As technology advanced, advertising found itself showing up on more media. In the 1920s and 1930s, spoken ads on the radio showed up. Television soon followed in the 1950s and then cable television in the 1980s.

The greatest media advance in advertising took place in the 1990s with the rise of the Internet. Modern technology and social media have allowed advertisers to target the audiences of the ads, based on real-time web viewing habits and what they tend to buy at online retailers such as Media has become divided into “traditional media” or newspapers, magazines, television, and radio that used mass saturation strategies to sell goods and services and “online media” to try to target the most receptive audience for the products/services being sold.

Advertising in the integrated marketing communications age

Integrated marketing communications (IMC) is defined as advertising that ” … recognizes the value of a comprehensive plan that evaluates the strategic roles of a variety of communication disciplines advertising, public relations, personal selling, and sales promotion and combines them to provide clarity, consistency, and maximum communication impact.”

Who are the various groups of experts that use history to complete
their work?


The various groups of experts that use history to complete  their work include:

Museum archivist: This person preserves the archival materials and make sure that they are available for research. Librarian: An individual who is in charge of the library. The person collects history books etc.   Researcher: This is an individual who person who carries out academic research and makes use of past events. Historian: This is an individual who studies about past events and writes about the past.Archaeologist: Someone who studies the human history by excavating sites and analyzing the artefacts.

Read related links on:

A map titled The Arabian Peninsula. Aden is labeled and located below 20 degrees north latitude and slightly east of 45 degrees east longitude.
On the map, which set of coordinates describe the absolute location of the city of Aden?

25°N, 40°E
24°N, 58°E
21°N, 40°E
13°N, 47°E



Below 20 degrees North latitude means less than 20 degrees North. Which of the options has a number less than 20 degrees north?

13 degrees North, 47 degrees east. 47 is also *slightly* east of 45, unlike all the other options.





got it right on edge :>

Why were speakers popular with farmers in the 1890s?



The main reason why they were so popular in that they are both associated with agrarian populist community. It was actual in late 19th century.  


2. How did the migration to the West affect the Plains Indians?



Many Plains Indians followed the migration of buffalos and had a nomadic lifestyle. Native Americans used every part of the buffalo for food, shelter, clothing and more. They were also meant to open up land to Americans who wanted to own the land.


Why did the Pilgrims leave England to go to Holland?



They left to escape the religious persecution that they were receiving.


Where was the most important distinction in the Aryan caste system?
A. Between the top three and the lowest castes
B. Between the top two and the lower two castes
C. Between the priests and everyone else
D. Between the first and lower castes



A. Between the top three and the lowest castes.


A. Between the top three and the lowest castes

Summarize the notes to answer the question


message me and i can do that whole paper for you

How does the statue of liberty connect to america?



It is a symbolism of freedom for America.  


America was the land of the free after the American Revolution, and many escaped Britain to go there because of religious and political freedom, and the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Offer at least two examples of ways African culture has directly influenced American culture.



African-American culture is rooted in the blend between the native African cultures of West Africa and Central Africa and the European culture that has influenced and modified its development in the American South. Understanding its identity within the culture of the United States, that is, in the anthropological sense, conscious of its origins as largely a blend of West and Central African cultures. Although slavery greatly restricted the ability for Africans to practice their original cultural traditions, many practices, values and beliefs survived, and over time have modified and/or blended with European cultures and other cultures such as that of Native Americans. African-American identity was established during the period of slavery, producing a dynamic culture that has had and continues to have a profound impact on American culture as a whole, as well as that of the broader world.[1]

Elaborate rituals and ceremonies were a significant part of African-Americans' ancestral culture. Many West African societies traditionally believed that spirits dwelled in their surrounding nature. From this disposition, they treated their environment with mindful care. They also generally believed that a spiritual life source existed after death and that ancestors in this spiritual realm could then mediate between the supreme Creator and the living. Honor and prayer were displayed to these "ancient ones", the spirit of that past. West Africans also believed in spiritual possession.[2]

The force of attraction that holds 2 substances together are​



Chemical bonds are the forces of attraction that tie atoms together. Bonds are formed when valence electrons, the electrons in the outermost electronic “shell” of an atom, interact.

who invented Areoplane



The Wright Brothers


Aeroplane was invented by Wright Brothers

How did people try to survive the Great Depression?



Many families strived for self-sufficiency by keeping small kitchen gardens with vegetables and herbs. Some towns and cities allowed for the conversion of vacant lots to community “thrift gardens” where residents could grow food.


I hope U like my answer and my answer helped U.

how the Egyptian god Amun-Ra changed the religious structure of Egypt?



He changed the structure by creating a new monotheistic religion that was devoted to one single god named Aten


Reword this before answering! i changed some of the words but i don't want you to get in trouble

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa help


New York and Florida

Select the 3 ANTONYMS for incentive







deterrent , block, dissuasion

Why was Socrates killed?
O A. He would not deliver free lectures.
B. He was trying to spread democracy.
C. He questioned fundamental ideas about Athens.
O D. He opposed the Spartan government.



by my knowledge its option C


answer from gauth math

C. He questioned fundamental ideas about Athens

Which made him a threat

 which European country originally settled Manhattan Island, today's New York City?


Answer: Dutch West India

Explanation: The colony of New Netherland was established by the Dutch West India.

which of the following events is evidence that the relationship between the new england colonists and native groups in the area was on the decline ?


Answer: I dont know what evidence you need but here's something I know...

So, Native Americans and English settlers in the New England territories first attempted a mutual relationship based on trade and a shared dedication to spirituality. But because of disease and other conflicts like trying to  transform the tribes people into civilized Christians, it led to a deteriorated relationship and, eventually, the First Indian War.

Here's something interesting as well...some colonial leaders, such as the Puritan minister Increase Mather, believed that the illness and decimation of the New England Native Americans was an act of God to support the colonists’ right to the land.


What are the first two things you should identify on your map?



the main locations, which part is west/east/north/south, and main rivers


Simplify 52⋅57
Group of answer choices







Not exsctly sure


Which of the following correctly completes the center circle in the chart above?





The correct answer is D) Demographics. The term "Demographics" correctly completes the center circle in the chart above


the answer to the question is d

2. In the mid 1900s, what profoundly increased human life expectancy? (1)


In the mid-1900s, the factors that profoundly increased the human life expectancy ratio are Public health and the widespread use of vaccines.

What do you mean by the life expectancy ratio?

The average number of years that a group of people at that age would have left to live if they experienced the mortality rates for that year for the rest of their lives is known as life expectancy ratio

One of the most popular summary indices for a population's general health is period life expectancy (PLE). The number of deaths in a given year and age group divided by the average number of individuals in this year and age group serves as the foundation for this calculation.

The average additional years that a person at a specific age can expect to survive, assuming that they are subjected to the present mortality conditions for the remainder of their lives.

Thus the reason of increased the human life expectancy ratio are Public health and the widespread use of vaccines.

Learn more about the life expectancy ratio:


The Lumiere Brothers discovered a way to advance film in front of the lens by adapting technology from the...


The Lumiere brothers discovered a way to advance film in front of lens through the technology they adapted from the kinetoscope.

These brothers were the pioneers of the cinema. The kinetoscope was a film viewing device. It was bulky and only one viewer could view images in it at a time.

The brothers were urged to build a device that could be viewed by many people at a time. They went on to build their cinematograph.


Can someone write me a 2-3 paragraph on how physical geography, climate, and corresponding cultural attributes






most of chopins music was written to be played on the?



PIANO is the answer


hope it helps

Mark me as Brainliest plz!


Aya nakamura she is performed by copines song . she is a French malian singer

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