plsss asap right nooooow


Answer 1


[tex]\sf 2(3\sqrt{8}+4\sqrt{20}+2\sqrt{24})[/tex]

[tex]\sf 2(3\sqrt{8})+2(4\sqrt{20}+2\sqrt{24})[/tex]

[tex]\sf 12 \sqrt{2}+16 \sqrt{5}+8 \sqrt{6}[/tex]

[tex]\sf 6 \cdot 8^{\frac{1}{2}}+8 \cdot 20^{\frac{1}{2}}+4 \cdot 24^{\frac{1}{2}}[/tex]

[tex]\sf 12 \cdot 2^{\frac{1}{2}}+16 \cdot 5^{\frac{1}{2}}+8 \cdot 6^{\frac{1}{2}}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Perimeter of a rectangle

Perimeter = 2(width + length)

Given information:

  [tex]\textsf{width} = 3\sqrt{8}[/tex]

  [tex]\textsf{length} = 4\sqrt{20}+2\sqrt{24}[/tex]

Equivalent Expression 1

Substitute the given information into the formula:

[tex]\sf Perimeter = 2(3\sqrt{8}+4\sqrt{20}+2\sqrt{24})[/tex]

Equivalent Expression 2

Using the distributive property law, this can also be written as:

[tex]\sf Perimeter = 2(3\sqrt{8})+2(4\sqrt{20}+2\sqrt{24})[/tex]

Equivalent Expression 3

Distribute the parentheses and simplify the radicals:

[tex]\begin{aligned}\sf Perimeter & = \sf 2(3\sqrt{8}+4\sqrt{20}+2\sqrt{24})\\& = \sf 6\sqrt{8}+8\sqrt{20}+4\sqrt{24}\\& = \sf 6\sqrt{4 \cdot 2}+8\sqrt{4 \cdot 5}+4\sqrt{4 \cdot 6}\\& = \sf 6\sqrt{4}\sqrt{2}+8\sqrt{4}\sqrt{5}+4\sqrt{4}\sqrt{6}\\& = \sf 6 \cdot 2 \sqrt{2}+8 \cdot 2 \sqrt{5}+4 \cdot 2 \sqrt{6}\\& = \sf 12 \sqrt{2}+16 \sqrt{5}+8 \sqrt{6}\end{aligned}[/tex]

Equivalent Expression 4

Distribute the parentheses and rewrite the square roots as [tex]\sf \sqrt{a}=a^{\frac{1}{2}}[/tex] :

[tex]\begin{aligned}\sf Perimeter & = \sf 2(3\sqrt{8}+4\sqrt{20}+2\sqrt{24})\\& = \sf 6\sqrt{8}+8\sqrt{20}+4\sqrt{24}\\ & = \sf 6 \cdot 8^{\frac{1}{2}}+8 \cdot 20^{\frac{1}{2}}+4 \cdot 24^{\frac{1}{2}}\end{aligned}[/tex]

Equivalent Expression 5

Rewrite the square roots as [tex]\sf \sqrt{a}=a^{\frac{1}{2}}[/tex] :

[tex]\sf Perimeter=12 \cdot 2^{\frac{1}{2}}+16 \cdot 5^{\frac{1}{2}}+8 \cdot 6^{\frac{1}{2}}[/tex]

Related Questions

Evaluate the expression 2−7+15
pls somone help



answer is -20


So we do addition First, then subtraction so 7+15 = 22

2- 22= -20

From this density, the probability that X is between 0.5 and 1.5 is:
a. 1/3,
b. 1/2.
c. 3/4
d. 1.




From the density in the diagram, the probability that X is between 0.5 and 1.5 is 1/2. Option B

How do we solve for the probability density?

The probability density function of a random variable X is a function that gives the probability that X will take on a certain value.

In this case, the probability density function is a line segment that goes from 0 to 1.

The probability that X is between 0.5 and 1.5 is the area under the probability density function between 0.5 and 1.5.

This area is equal to the length of the line segment between 0.5 and 1.5, which is 1.

Therefore, the probability that X is between 0.5 and 1.5 is 1/2. Option B

Find more exercises on probability density;


Full question

The Probability Density Of A Random Variable X Is Given In The Following Figure.



0                       1                             2


From this density, the probability that X is between 0.5 and 1.5 is:

a. 1/3,

b. 1/2.

c. 3/4

d. 1.

Help please due tomorrow



Angle BAD corresponds to Angle FEH in the scaled copy.

Angle ABC corresponds to Angle EFG in the scaled copy.

Angle BCD corresponds to Angle FGH in the scaled copy.

Angle ADC corresponds to Angle EHG in the scaled copy.

Determine the largest positive integer N such that 1005! is divisible by 10N.


9514 1404 393


  N = 250

Step-by-step explanation:

The way your question is written, the answer is a number of 2582 digits, much too large to show here. We assume you actually want N such that 10^N is the largest power of 10 that will divide 1005!.


That factor is limited by the number of factors of 2 and 5 in 1005!. Of those, there are far more factors of 2, so the actual limit is the number of factors of 5 in 1005!.

Every 5th number is divisible by 5, so there are 1005/5 = 201 numbers divisible by 5 in 1005!.

Every 5th one of those is divisible by another factor of 5, so an additional 201/5 ≈ 40.

Every 5th one of those is divisible by another factor of 5, so an additional 40/5 = 8.

Finally, every 5th one of those has yet another factor of 5, so an additional 8/5 ≈ 1.

Then the total number of factors of 5 in 1005! is 201 +40 +8 + 1 = 250.

That is, the number 1005! will end in 250 zeros. It will be divisible by 10^250.

  N = 250

A total of 574 tickets were sold for the school play. They were either adult tickets or student tickets. There were 74 more student tickets sold than adult tickets. How many adult tickets were sold?

411 is not correct


The answer is: 250 adult tickets were sold.

To be safe, prove that your answer is correct.

If there are 74 more student tickets than adult tickets, the amount of adult tickets must obviously be less.


74 more than 250, or 250+74 is 324.


Now, you know the answer is correct. It satisfies all of the given conditions.

Also, note that the difference between the number of student tickets and adult tickets is 74.

So, there are 250 adult tickets and 324 student tickets.

3. Write a word phrase using 10x(14+11)



10 multiplied by the sum of 14 and 11

Step-by-step explanation:


help asap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



part 1: c is the total cost of the 3 pounds of oranges.

part 2: 3 pounds of oranges cost c dollars and 1 pound of oranges is unknown.

part 3: 1c÷3

write all prime numbers from 20 to 50.​



So, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43 and 47 these are the prime numbers between 20 and 50.

Step-by-step explanation:

plz mark me brainliest


So the prime numbers between 20 and 50 are so easy

- 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43 and 47

these are the prime numbers between 20 and 50

Step-by-step explanation:

Hope it helps

The product of two whole numbers is 588 and their sum is 49. What are the two numbers?






Step-by-step explanation:

let the numbers be x and y







[tex]x=\frac{49 \pm \sqrt{49^2-4*1*588} }{2*1} \\=\frac{49 \pm \sqrt{2401-2352} }{2} \\=\frac{49 \pm\sqrt{49} }{2} \\=\frac{49 \pm 7}{2} \\=\frac{49+7}{2} ,\frac{49-7}{2} \\=28,21[/tex]

A. 5x-2+x=x-4 B. 5x+x=x-4


B. -4/6

Step-by-step explanation:





x= -2/5 or -0.4 x= -4/5 or -0.8

Step-by-step explanation:

If you are solving for x then you should get something like this

A 5x-2+x=x- 4 B. 5x+x=x-4

6x-2=-4. 6x=x-4

6x-2-x=-4. 6x-x=-4

5x-2+2=-4+2. 5x=-4

5x/5=-2/5. 5x/5=-4/5

x=-2/5. x=-4/5

I hope this helped you out!

The ________ is the actual population of individuals, or clusters, from which a random sample will be drawn.


The SAMPLING FRAME is the actual population of individuals, or clusters, from which a random sample will be drawn.

What is the y-intercept



y-intercept is (0, 9)

Step-by-step explanation:

At y-intercept, x is 0

[tex]y = 9[/tex]

Answer: (0, 9)


The y-intercept of a function is the point at which the graph of the function crosses the y-axis.

In other words, the y-intercept is the point when the x value is 0.


Find the point where the x value is 0

It is the fourth from the left, where the x value is 0.

The y value is 9.

Finalize the point

x value is 0

y value is 9

Point = [tex]\boxed{(0, 9)}[/tex]

Hope this helps!! :)

Please let me know if you have any questions

You are looking at your power bill for the month, you pay 12 cents per kilowatt-hour. Running a 60 watt light bulb for 1 hour is .06 KWH, if you leave a light on all the time that has 5 light bulbs in it how much would that cost in a 30 day month? Answer in the form of $2.54 without the dollar sign.




Step-by-step explanation:

1 bulb in 1 hour = 0.06 kWhUnit of cost = 12 cents per kWh = $0.12 per kWh

5 bulbs in 30-day month will consume electricity:

5*0.06*30*24 = 216 kWh

The total cost is:

216 * 0.12 = $25.92

Total electricity consumed per day


Consumed in 30days


For 5bulbs







6ft by 15ft


L1 = 10 ft

W1 = 4 ft

L2 = L1*(3/2)

W2 = W1*(3/2)

L2 = 10 ft times (3/2) = 15 ft

W2 = 4 ft times (3/2) = 6 ft

I hope this answer helps you out!

which statement best describes f(x)=-2√x-7+1


it is under mapping and function

f of x is equal to -2 root x-7 plus one

find the derivative of the function y= x^20



Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\frac{dy}{dx} =20x^{19}[/tex]

the length of a rectangle is 8cm and the height is 16cm find the answer of the above figures using this formular...

2(a + b) Perimeter
(B×H) Area​




[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Perimeter=2(L+B)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Perimeter=2(16+8)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Perimeter=2(24)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Perimeter=48cm[/tex]


[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Area=Length\times Breadth[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Area=8(16)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Area=128cm^2[/tex]

66. Evaluate 4a2+3 when a=5


Plug in 5 for a.


Then do order of operations (PEMDAS)

4x5=20, 20x2=40, 40+3=43

Any mathematician am giving brainliest for this question


9514 1404 393


  (x, y) = (1/2, 1)

Step-by-step explanation:

Subtract twice the second equation from the first to eliminate the x-variable.

  (2/x +3/y) -2(1/x -4/y) = (7) -2(-2)

  11/y = 11 . . . . . . . simplify

  y = 1 . . . . . . . . multiply by y/11


Substituting into the second equation gives ...

  1/x -4/1 = -2

  1/x = 2 . . . . . . add 4

  1/2 = x . . . . . . multiply by x/2

The solution is (x, y) = (1/2, 1).


Additional comment

The attached graph seems to show that the graphs of the two equations also intersect at (x, y) = (0, 0). However, careful consideration of these equations leads to the conclusion that x=0 and y=0 are not in the domain of either equation. (Division by 0 is undefined.) So, the only solution is (x, y) = (1/2, 1).

If you were to multiply both equations by xy to eliminate fractions, you would, indeed, arrive at the conclusion that (x, y) = (0, 0) is a solution. As we noted, that "solution" is extraneous. Whenever you multiply an equation by an expression that can have the value 0, you need to be careful to exclude any "solution" that makes that expression 0.

What is the area of BCD?
A. 36 square units
B. 32 square units
C. 16 square units
D. 72 square units



in this figure B: 32 square units

Need help on #3 pliss



B. 0.28

Step-by-step explanation:

Add all the sports up and you get 50

14 (soccer players)/50 (total number of students)

14/50 = 28/100 = 0.28

Solve the equation.
} (a + 2) = {(2-a)
Select the correct choice below and, if necessary, fill in the answer box to complete your choice.
O A. The solution is
(Type an integer or a simplified fraction.)
B. The solution is all real numbers.
O C. There is no solution.
(Answer quickly)



Need help with solving please




Step-by-step explanation:

4 ^(1/2x) = 256

Rewriting 256 as a power of 4

4 ^(1/2x) = 4^4

Since the bases are the same, the exponents are the same

1/2x = 4

Multiply each side by 2

1/2x *2 = 4*2


Show Work! There are 380 students, teachers, and chaperones going on school buses for a field trip. Each school bus can hold 68 passengers. Everyone will ride on a school bus. How many school buses does this group need?



6 buses

Step-by-step explanation:

i believe you just have to divide 380/68

then it'll give you 5.5 and then have to round to the nearest integer

Does this picture indicate that < JAC =




Step-by-step explanation:

<JAC = 93

< DBE = 90

The two angles are not equal

Is square root of 11+10 a rational or irrational number



Irrational Number is the answer


[tex] \sqrt{11 + 10} = \sqrt{22} = 4.69041576 [/tex]


Step-by-step explanation:

The correct answer is irrational and the reason for that is the decimals for sqrt of 22 are non-recurring, are non-terminating and lastly it cannot be expressed in a form of a fraction.

I hope this makes sense


The university of Michigan football stadium can hold 107,601 people. Michigan states football stadium can hold 75,001 people. 51,000 people can fit in the football stadium at the university of North Carolina and 40,004 people can fit in duke universities stadium which is also in North Carolina. How many more people can fit in the stadiums in Michigan combined than in the stadiums in North Carolina combined




Step-by-step explanation:

Madura is 25 years younger than her father. Nadira's mother is two years younger than her father. Together Nadira, her mother and father have a combined age of 78. Work out their ages.


just solve by yourself

You are wrapping a gift box that is 16 inches long,
7 inches wide, and 9 inches tall. Find the amount of
wrapping paper you need to wrap the gift box to the
nearest square inch.



1008 inches

Step-by-step explanation:

A car has been purchased for £5200 and is estimated to have an expected life driving 200,000
miles. At the end of that time its value is estimated to be £200. If the units-of-production
method is used to depreciate the car,
a) What is depreciation cost per mile?
b) What will be book value of the car after it has driven 55000 miles?



a) 0.025£ b)3825£

Step-by-step explanation:

a) 5200-200=5000 - of the value will be lost after reaching the milleage of 200000 miles




x=5000/200000= 5/200=1/40=0.025£- the depreciation cost per mile

b)0.025*55000= 1375- the decreasing of the price

5200-1375=3825£- the book value of the car after it has driven 55000 miles

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