Why should a nation produce all types of human resources? write in a sentence​


Answer 1


in order to develop a nation . all type of human resources are needed

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What is traditional technology?



traditional technology is that things or technology which is used by our ansister to do daily work as a technolgy

3. Look at the following diagram and label the gaps.
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djdjeekm Angliememdoodb dbrkrjr


because u don't know answer

Assess the value of positive role models on one's behavior​



Positive role models are a ray of shun sine in one's life. They inspire when a person is going through the dark phase of the his/her life. They make efforts to become like their positive role model. But if an individual's role mode is negative one would adopt bad or ludicrous ways in life leading to a criminal life.

A positive role model plays a significant value on one's behavior​ and helps one to recover from the path of darkness and frustration.

What is Role Model?

A role model has referred to a person whose actions and performance are copied and followed by an individual to improve their personality and performance and to achieve something in life.

A person who is considered a role model will help others to bring best out of them and help them to improve their behavior pattern by learning kindness and knowledge sharing.

A positive Role model helps to influence an individual to initiate good habits and help them to evaluate their strengths and work on their weakness to bring improvement. He also restricts people from engaging in illegal practices like drugs or alcohol consumption.

Learn more about a Role model, here:



The United States has
landforms in North
A. widest and longest
B. biggest and smallest
C. highest and lowest


The answer would be A

3. How do you convince a person who is about to sell his kidney du to poverty? Write in four points.​



is not right to sell your kidney you can get a chance to

Social science is a branch of science that deals with the nature of __________. A. human society B. the physical world C. animal societies D. the medical field Please select the best answer from the choices provided A B C D


A.) human society
Hope this helps!

You just accomplished a goal and rewarded yourself with a delicious treat. The pleasant feelings that result from these behaviors are made possible by the release of _______. Group of answer choices





Dopamine is a type of neurotransmitter. Our body makes it, and our nervous system uses it to send messages between nerve cells. That's why it's sometimes called a chemical messenger. Dopamine plays a role in how we feel pleasure. It's a big part of our unique human ability to think and plan.

3,Does the free-market system enhance or undermine security? Give at least one concrete example to support your position.

4, is the free-market system fair to everybody? Do you think it's fair to you? Give at least one example showing how the system is fair and at least one showing how it's not fair. Explain why these result from the free-market system.

Please dont scam this for just the point i really need this asap please! my grade is low and i need help



The free market system improves security. Explanation: The free market system is a system in which the economy is controlled by private economic agents.

In nature free market is always considered fair and people can trade to different places on their own free will. Most parties that get involve in trading consider the trade of money in exchange for a service or a product one may need.


hope this helps mark brainliest plz

The free-market system is secured, and it is also beneficial or fair for everyone, as there is no control of the government in this system.

What is a free-market system?

A free market is one in which the economic system that is based solely on voluntary transaction and the principles of supply and demand.

In this system, there is no intervention from the government. The lack of compelled transactions or transaction conditions is a major aspect of free markets.

This system improves security, as the free market system is defined as a system in which the aggregate economy is commanded by private economic agents.

In nature, a free market is always seen as fair, and people can freely trade to different regions. Most parties involved in trading regard the exchange of money for a service or a product that they may require.

Therefore, the free market system is for every one, and it is secured also.

Learn more about the market system, refer to:


how does/did isis (seek to) directly challenge the state's authority and legitimacy?​



The Islamic State (ISIS) is in sharp decline, but in its rout lie important lessons and lingering threats. This is true for the four countries of the Maghreb covered in this report, Algeria, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia, which constitute a microcosm of ISIS’ identity, trajectory and shifting fortunes to date. Those countries possess two unwanted claims to fame: as a significant pool of ISIS foreign fighters and, in the case of Libya, as the site of ISIS’ first successful territorial conquest outside of Iraq and Syria. The pool is drying up, to a point, and the caliphate’s Libyan province is no more. But many factors that enabled ISIS’s ascent persist. While explaining the reasons for ISIS’ performance in different theatres is inexact and risky science, there seems little question that ending Libya’s anarchy and fragmentation; improving states’ capacities to channel anger at elites’ predatory behaviour and provide responsive governance; treading carefully when seeking to regiment religious discourse; and improving regional and international counter-terrorism cooperation would go a long way toward ensuring that success against ISIS is more than a fleeting moment.

Its operations in the Maghreb showcase ISIS’s three principal functions: as a recruitment agency for militants willing to fight for its caliphate in Iraq and Syria; as a terrorist group mounting bloody attacks against civilians; and as a military organisation seeking to exert territorial control and governance functions. In this sense, and while ISIS does not consider the Maghreb its main arena for any of those three forms of activity, how it performed in the region, and how states reacted to its rise, tells us a lot about the organisation.

define the concept risk behavior and explain why it is important for teenagers to investigate and be knowledgeable about it


Risk behavior is the behavior of individual that may result in negative consequences, risks to life, death, injury, violation etc. It is important for teenagers as during this age of life teens may not have a correct perspective of what is correct for them and what is not.

Examine the impact of risky behaviour on different spheres of well-being (social, emotional, physical and spiritual)​


Socially, financially risky behaviours can be beneficial or not, depending on success.

Physically risky behaviours like skydiving can impress people and provide opportunities for lively conversations and a connection to more adventurous people. Violent, unhealthy or illegal, risky behaviours can alienate people.

Emotionally, risky behaviour can be a catalyst for a person to seek help. If the risks pay off the behaviour can boost confidence. If it doesn't, it can reinforce poor self esteem.

Physically, risky behaviours can destroy or erode health. They can also be beneficial cardiocvascular health. It depends of the type of behaviour and whether or not the risk results in success or failure.

Spiritually? That's anyone's guess. Some spiritual beliefs systems reward taking a leap of faith. Others espouse modesty and humility.

Risky behavior means any consciously or unconsciously controlled behavior that have a potential negative consequences as well as perceived positive consequences from such person.

Activities like having unprotected sexual activity, smoking, alcohol abuse, binge drinking are all consequence of risky behavior.

• Socially, risky behavior may involve activities like sky diving, taking of hard drugs. This behavior boosts social confidence and esteem.

• Emotionally, risky behavior makes individual to do what ought to be done. Successful act of this behavior lead to high self esteem

• Physically, risky behavior involves act that can destroy or harm the health. That is, this behavior in most time involves activities that harms the body.

• Spiritually, risky behavior like smoking, binge drinking has a direct relation which loss of faith with the spiritual being. This behavior widens the gap between the creator and human being.

Learn more about this here


What is the relationship between commodity value and surplus value?


The commodity value is the value reflected by the price of the good or service, and the surplus-value is essentially the profit. In any case, one would most likely wish for additional surplus value that would be greater then the commodity value, in an effort to not only pay for the cost of production, but also to turn a profit in which to expand the business with.

name the organization, institution or project that you will support. Include their address and or website​



i support byjus.com here is the link https://byjus.com/byjus-classes-book-a-free-demo-class/registration/?utm_campaign=exit-popup&utm_medium=cbse-notes&utm_source=website


Which executive characteristics demonstrate a presidential government?



Characteristics of the Presidential System The executive can veto legislative acts and, in turn, a supermajority of lawmakers may override the veto. ... The president has a fixed term of office. ... The executive branch is unipersonal. ... The president can often pardon or commute sentences of convicted criminals

Spain helped the Colonial army during the American Revolution by.... A. building ships for American use. B. keeping the British navy occupied. C. forcing General Cornwallis to surrender. D. trapping the British on a peninsula at Yorktown.


It’s b I believe
Hope this helps

Name the Southwest Asian country that it east of Iran and north and west of Pakistan.








Factors of production are the resources people use to produce goods and services; they are the building blocks of the economy. Economists divide the factors of production into four categories: land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship.

Is ICSE tougher than CBSE syllabus?​


ICSE syllabus is not tough. I accordance with CBSE, ICSE has more to study than CBSE . That's all. If you are good in studies, ICSE won't to be tough. It will rather be easy.

what is land pollution and define it​



Land pollution is the phenomena when the natural soil is filled with human's trashes and wastes.

Which physiographic region is home to the highest population and greatest number of
international businesses?

Appalachian Plateau
Ridge and Valley
Blue Ridge



C. Peidmont,


hope this helps.!

What do rivers often define?



A river is a natural flowing watercourse, usually freshwater, flowing towards an ocean, sea, lake or another river. ... Sometimes a river is defined as being larger than a creek, but not always: the language is vague.

A smaller strip of water coming from a large source.

atm is gaining popularity as the means of payment explain it



ATM's are gaining popularity because it is safer faster and better than paying cash, people can't go about carrying huge amounts of money with them so with the use of ATM's it is faster and smarter than any other form of payment.

The Automated Teller Machine or an ATM is an electronic banking system where the basic day to day transactions can be done without the physical presence of a bank official. It is the most reliable source for any common man in present day. The availability of it during all the day and night added a significant flexibility to the consumers.

In today's scenario people are able to do multiple transactions including cash deposits, cash withdraws, balance quires and applying for a debit card. As the Economic Times reports few automated teller machines also give access to consumers for paying income tax and applying for loans.

What are Automated Teller Machines?

Automated Teller Machines are computerized devices set on a public platform with telecommunication control system which helps in a easy transactions.

What are Transactions?

Transactions are proceeding or dealings of money in buying and selling something, which includes circulation of money trough bank accounts.

What is meant by Consumers?

Consumers are people who purchases goods and services for personal use.

What is Economic Times?

Economic Times is an business related daily newsletter. it covers the latest news and insights on it.

What is Income Tax?

Income Tax is a direct tax that is levied upon the people's income.

To learn more about Automated Teller Machine here



10 values an attitude needed to prevent conflicts​





Respect,Obedience, and Trust

what is anthropology​



Anthropology is the scientific study of humanity, concerned with human behavior, human biology, cultures and societies, in both the present and past, including past human species. Social anthropology studies patterns of behaviour, while cultural anthropology studies cultural meaning, including norms and values.


may this answer is helpful for you

Which of the following risk factors can have an immediate impact on a person's health?
OA eating too much junk food
OB. not exercising for at least 30 minutes a day
OC. not wearing a seat belt while driving
OD. smoking one cigarette



OA. eating too much junk food

John Locke explains his understanding of compatibalism with the following analogy: Imagine a man enters a room filled with everything that he could ever want or desire. Unbeknownst to him, the door locks shut as he enters, and he no longer has any method to exit the room. However, as it turns out, he never tries to exit and dies in the room without having once wanted to leave it. How is this like compatibalism



John Locke explains his understanding of compatibalism with the following analogy: Imagine a man enters a room filled with everything that he could ever want or desire. Unbeknownst to him, the door locks shut as he enters, and he no longer has any method to exit the room. However, as it turns out, he never tries to exit and dies in the room without having once wanted.

The tittle of India and japans leader


emperor hirohito and narendra modhi

all of the issues that have contributed to polluted driking water in africa?



Water scarcity, coupled with poor sanitation practices, has resulted in an abundance of illnesses, diseases, and deaths. Water scarcity can lead to a variety of waterborne tropical diseases, such as typhoid fever, cholera, dysentery, and diarrheal illnesses.

How might health outcomes be affected by religious practices of members of varying religions in the United States? Are there other behaviors, outside of formal religious practice or formal religious ceremonial observances, such as dietary requirements or other behavioral requirements of members of religious institutions in the United States that might affect their health, either directly or indirectly?



Family life plays a very important role in the development of children. A child’s first of everything is learned through the bonds of his or her family. When there is a severe lack of developmental bonding between a child and significant family member, said child’s health will deteriorate. For example, if a child is growing up in a single parent household, they are lacking a stronger relationship with the other parental figure. This can greatly affect the child’s life along the line, in the future. When children are raised in a single parent household, their chances of having a “lower standard of living” and a decrease in parental involvement are higher (Kendall, 2018). Similarly, if achild is growing up in a family where the parental figures are no longer compatible, the child will also have developmental issues along the line. How might the educational system in the United States affect the healthExplanation:

prepare a dialogue based on the statement "untouchability ia a fault of the society".

four line dialogue please ​


Untouchability is a social ill process of segregation of people from the mainstream by a social custom or a legal mandate such as the Dalit community, which are considered to be as polluting in the Indian subcontinent.

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